Agenda item


Proposal: Retention of existing Police Station building (Block A) with internal refurbishment, rear extensions and loft conversions to create 6 terrace houses and 4 flats. Erection of two buildings comprising of Block C along Glebe Road and Harold Road to create 8 flats and erection of Block B along Tottenham Lane and towards the rear of Tottenham Lane to create 7 flats and 4 mews houses including landscaping and other associated works.


Recommendation: GRANT


Valerie Okeiyi, Planning Officer introduced the report for: Retention of existing Police Station building (Block A) with internal refurbishment, rear extensions and loft conversions to create 6 terrace houses and 4 flats. Erection of two buildings comprising of Block C along Glebe Road and Harold Road to create 8 flats and erection of Block B along Tottenham Lane and towards the rear of Tottenham Lane to create 7 flats and 4 mews houses including landscaping and other associated works.

The following was noted in response to questions from the Committee:

  • The Planning Officer reiterated that the building was a good design. The detail of the design concept of Block B had a weaving pattern and a flat roof which expressed that it was a modern building, whilst fitting in with the Edwardian surroundings, including the Police station. The Planning Officer commented that the building would contribute to the quality of the area.
  • The building itself had existed for longer than 50 years. The whole life cycle carbon assessment looked at the first 50 years of the development and ensured that the building was sustainable. The building would be expected to have a much longer life span.
  • The development would provide a total of 29 residential dwellings, contributing towards much needed housing stock in the borough. The development would also provide 19.4% on-site affordable housing. Based on current values and current build costs, there was no further affordable housing that could be delivered. Planning Officers have advised the applicant to prioritise low cost rented units as there was generally less affordable housing in this part of the borough. The Planning Officer concluded that this was an appropriate affordable housing offer in these circumstances.
  • Parking would be provided in line with the London Plan, the site was very accessible and was a car free development in line with policies. There would be blue badge parking available.
  • The Planning Officer confirmed that they had been liaising with a number of housing associations who were satisfied with the unit mix proposed for Block C.
  • Block C was constrained due to its layout of one bed homes which maximised the space within the block. However, this would maximise the level of affordable units.
  • There was ongoing discussion regarding refuse collection. Planning Officers had conditioned a service and delivery management plan as part of the suite of conditions.
  • In terms of the wind assessment, the proposed development was not tall enough for this as it was four and three storeys in height.
  • The solar PV array was changed several times. The array was enlarged due to an additional roof space being found.
  • The Applicant had agreed a contribution towards a feasibility study for a cycle route.
  • Block C was revised as it previously had an all-brick roof and there were concerns it would be too plain. This was again revised to include a slate roof, fitting in more with the Police station.
  • Block C included insulation to a high standard. There was cycle parking on all blocks, which was secure and sheltered.
  • A condition would be imposed that required details and samples of all key materials to be agreed prior to commencement of works on site. This would be agreed by the Design Officer and Conservation Officer.
  • The Sprinkler system would be in the residential properties at the far end of Mews Lane. They would be based on heat sensors rather than smoke detectors.

There were no objectors speaking against the proposal. The Chair invited the Applicant Team – Chris Boyle – to respond to questions from the Committee. The following was NOTED:

·         There was a lot of work involved in making the minimalist design successful. The Applicant stated that the external works were well designed.

·         The whole site was within the conservation area, the flat roof would not be flat but angled to allow rainwater to drain away and avoid flooding.

·         Located at the front elevation site are defensible spaces for the ground floor threshold. This would help enact privacy from pedestrians, these would not be private inhabited garden areas.

The Chair asked Robbie McNaugher, Head of Development Management and Enforcement Planning to sum up the recommendations as set out in the report, The Chair moved that the recommendation be granted and following a vote with 10 in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention,


1. To GRANT planning permission and that the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability is authorised to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives subject to an agreement providing for the measures set out in the Heads of Terms below.

2.That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards and Sustainability to make any alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended measures and/or recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee.

3.That the agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above is to be completed no later than 10/08/2023 within such extended time as the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability shall in his sole discretion allow; and

4. That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (1) within the time period provided for in resolution (2) above, planning permission be granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of the conditions.

Summary Lists of Conditions, Informatives and Heads of Terms


1. Three years

2. Drawings

3. Materials

4. Boundary treatment and access control

5. Landscaping

6. Lighting

7. Site levels

8. Secure by design accreditation

9. Secure by design certification

10.Unexpected Contamination


12.Demolition/Construction Environmental Management Plan

13.Land Contamination

14.Cycle parking

15.Mobility Scooter

16.Delivery and Servicing Plan

17.Piling Method Statement

18.Strategic Water Main

19.Satellite antenna

20.Restriction to telecommunications apparatus

21.Architect retention

22.Wheelchair accessible dwellings

23.Noise Management Plan

24.Energy Strategy


26.Energy Monitoring


28.Building User Guide

29.Living Roofs and Walls

30.Biodiversity Measures

31.Water Butts


1) Co-operation

2) CIL liable

3) Hours of construction

4) Party Wall Act

5) Street Numbering

6) Sprinklers

7) Water pressure

8) Thames Water Groundwater Risk Management Permit

9) Thames Water Underground Asset


11)Secure by design

12)Tottenham Lane bus routes

13)Construction Contractors

Section 106 Heads of Terms:

1. Affordable housing provision

- Eight (8) flats for London Affordable Rent

- Early and late stage viability review

2. Section 278 Highway Agreement

- Reinstatement of the redundant crossover on Harold Road, resurfacing of

the footway to the perimeter of the site to ensure a high-quality footway, and changes to the on street waiting and loading restrictions as proposed.

3. Sustainable Transport Initiatives

- £4,000 (four thousand pounds) towards the amendment of the Traffic Management Order- to exclude residents from seeking parking permits

- Car Club – Five years free membership for all residents and a credit of £100 per year/per unit for the first two years.

- £10,000 towards a Construction Logistics and Management Plan, which should be submitted 6 months (six months) prior to the commencement of development.

- Residential Travel Plan should be submitted within 6 months (six months) of first occupation - Monitoring of the travel plan initiatives £3,000 (three thousand pounds) for five years £15,000 (fifteen thousand pounds) in total

- £100,000 towards sustainable and active travel

4. Carbon Mitigation

- Energy Plan

- Sustainability Review

- Be Seen commitment to uploading energy data

- Estimated carbon offset contribution (and associated obligations) of £29,355 (calculation based on £2,850 per tonne of carbon emissions), plus a 10% management fee.

5. Employment Initiative – participation and financial contribution towards Local Training and Employment Plan

·         Provision of a named Employment Initiatives Co-Ordinator;

·         Notify the Council of any on-site vacancies;

·         20% of the on-site workforce to be Haringey residents;

·         5% of the on-site workforce to be Haringey resident trainees;

·         Provide apprenticeships at one per £3m development cost (max. 10% of total staff)

·         Provide a support fee of £1,500 per apprenticeship towards recruitment costs.

·         Monitoring Contribution

·         5% of total value of contributions (not including monitoring)

·         £500 per non-financial contribution;

·         Total monitoring contribution to not exceed £50,000

2.5 In the event that members choose to make a decision contrary to officer’s recommendation members will need to state their reasons.

2.6 In the absence of the agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above not being completed within the time period provided for in resolution (2.3) above, the planning permission be refused for the following reasons:

1. The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement failing to secure the provision of on-site affordable housing and meet the housing aspirations of Haringey’s residents. As such, the proposals would be contrary to London Plan Policies H4 and H5, Strategic Policy SP2, and DM DPD Policies DM 11 and DM 13.

2. The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing 1) Section 278 Highway Agreement for the reinstatement of the redundant crossover on Harold Road, resurfacing of the footway to the perimeter of the site to ensure a high quality footway, and changes to the on street waiting and loading restrictions as proposed 2) A contribution towards amendment of the local Traffic Management Order 3) Five years free car club membership and a credit of £100 per year/per unit for the first two years. 4) A contribution towards a Construction Logistics and Management Plan, 5) A contribution towards sustainable and active travel 6) Implementation of a residential travel plan and monitoring fee would have an unacceptable impact on the safe operation of the highway network and give rise to overspill parking impacts and unsustainable modes of travel. As such, the proposal is contrary to London Plan policies T1, Development Management DPD Policies DM31, DM32 and DM48

3. The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to work with the Council’s Employment and Skills team and to provide other employment initiatives would fail to support local employment, regeneration and address local unemployment by facilitating training opportunities for the local population. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy SP9 of Haringey’s Local Plan 2017.

Planning Sub-Committee Report

4. The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing sufficient energy efficiency measures and financial contribution towards carbon offsetting, would result in an unacceptable level of carbon dioxide emissions. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies SI 2 of the London Plan 2021, Local Plan 2017 Policy SP4 and Policy DM21 of the Development Management Development Plan Document 2017.

2.7 In the event that the Planning Application is refused for the reasons set out in resolution (2.6) above, the Head of Development Management (in consultation with the Chair of Planning Sub-Committee) is hereby authorised to approve any further application for planning permission which duplicates the Planning Application provided that:

(i) There has not been any material change in circumstances in the relevant

planning considerations, and

(ii) The further application for planning permission is submitted to and approved

by the Assistant Director within a period of not more than 12 months from the

date of the said refusal, and

(iii) The relevant parties shall have previously entered into the agreement

contemplated in resolution (1) above to secure the obligations specified therein.


Supporting documents: