The Assistant Director for Planning, Building
Standards and Sustainability introduced the report which provided
an update on the work of the Planning and Building Control services
for Quarter 1 to 2 which covered the period of September/October
Planning Cross Cutting Matters –
In response to questions
from the Committee, it was noted:
It was noted by members that the ‘Pathways to
Planning’ graduate scheme was a positive step forward. If
successful it was intended to lead to further careers in planning
and architecture. Members looked forward to meeting the upcoming
graduates on the scheme.
It was noted that the Council’s action plan to
help promote Diversity and Inclusion was launched. Subsequently
officers within the planning, building and sustainability team are
working on an action plan to encourage equality diversity and
inclusion, including within recruitment. This was led by a staff
group of volunteers. This group would be working to come up with
actions on a more local level. Officers would update the Committee
on this in due course.
In relation to dealing with the backlog of
applications. It was noted that the new Government scheme, Planning
Skills Delivery Fund allowed planning teams to bid up to
£100,000. It was noted that the fund could be used to help
deal with any backlog via routes such as managed overtime or
recruitment of additional staff.
It was noted that the update on increased planning
fees, had passed through parliament. This update allowed a 25%
increase on smaller applications fees and 35% on major applications
fees. That was the government's long-term approach and that would
be index linked in line with inflation.
Development Management and Enforcement
The Head of Development Management
and Planning Enforcement introduced this section of the
In response to questions from the Committee, it was
That the caseload increase was an issue but that had
now levelled off. A decrease in the number of open cases was
expected as the team was well resourced to deal with the cases. In
terms of the PPA and outstanding money, this referred to the money
that had been agreed to be paid but had not been paid yet. This was
often set on milestones; officers would not record debt that they
were owed in that figure. With fast track and priority
applications, the additional income allowed the team to keep
staffing levels and resource high. Officers were allocated work
knowing they would have to prioritise the case.
In terms of tackling back-log August was a quiet
period, this was used as a 4-week block to tackle outstanding
cases. A lot of applications are reliant on detailed discussions
with consultees, on all those fronts there had been an increase in
resource. It was noted that applications tend to increase around
the Christmas period. The majority of the backlog consisted of
smaller cases and this should continue to decrease. There was also
an increase in end-to-end times and a lot of it could be
post-committee. The Legal agreement process could be lengthy due to
the COVID-19 hangover. There was a drop in major applications due
to the impact of inflation on developers. It was noted that at
present there were not many live projects or pre-applications.
There was good work underway to raise the profile for investment in
this area.
In terms of additional performance figures officers
monitored this closely, with built-in notifications to alert
officers on reporting deadlines. The team worked under pressure,
decisions were made robustly and performance targets were hit. Any
further performance targets would not impact this.
It was noted that there was difficulty in predicting
planning overall yearly figures, the busier time was at Christmas
With the introduction of increased planning fees,
the government would be reducing the Planning Guarantee time from
26 to 16 weeks. Officers continued to monitor this closely and
bringing this forward meant the window had narrowed. Officers would
be bringing in new procedures and checks to subdue any substantial
risk arising from the need for quicker decisions.
There was a request for Committee members to visit a
sheltered housing scheme
Planning Policy and Infrastructure
The Head of Policy, Transport and Infrastructure
Planning introduced the report.
In response to questions
from the Committee, it was noted:
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan was a snapshot in
time previously, officers wanted to make the new IDP a living
document. There was a request to ensure younger and older people
were engaged e.g. on youth facilities
The Local Plan timescale was delayed, the limited
resources within the team could have impacted this. Officers wanted
the Infrastructure Delivery Plan to be on the leading edge and have
sought to do a lot of the work in-house. Evidence based work
provided by consultants wasn’t always effective and
doesn’t always reflect the needs and aspirations of councils.
The first engagement of the local plan was not a statutory
requirement, but the team wanted to engage early. The Peer Review
looked at timescales of the Local Plan; from this there would be
improvements made.
A fairer approach to allocation of the Community
Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was approved in 2020. The CIL rate was
drastically different across the borough but this imbalance had
been addressed. In terms of participatory budgeting, the teams were
still in the process of understanding what this meant in
Building Control –
The Head of Building Control Services introduced the
In response to questions from the Committee, it was
Currently, anything over 18 metres could have a
single staircase legally. The Secretary of State stated
‘single staircase buildings are not inherently unsafe’.
Therefore, schemes could progress without two staircases and the
Government had backtracked on this stringent requirement during a
transitional period. It was noted that there would be no planning
policy basis to refuse a proposal where there was no second
staircase if other appropriate fire engineering measures were
sufficient. It was also explained to the committee that the
planning policy requirements were wider than just looking at
staircases, the other options for fire engineering measures were
available and can be sufficient.
The team currently has one trainee in place with a
replacement for a second trainee being recruited to.
That the report be noted.