Agenda item


To receive a presentation on the Haringey Borough Partnership Update and an update for the North Central London Integrated Care Partnership Meeting.


Ms Rachel Lissauer and Ms Sara Sutton presented the item.


The meeting heard that:


• As far community leads were concerned, work was mostly done with the

principal social worker and the service managers for Children’s and Adult

social services. More specific consideration would be given to this and an

update would be provided.

• Service areas were still significantly challenged since the period of the

coronavirus crisis but there should be more emphasis should be on the

integrated response set the individuals who are discharge from hospital

were able to have adequate recovery.

• There was an organised and systematic approach towards trying to have

an organised and systematic approach towards trying to understand local

communities and to know that there were effective programmes targeting

areas of high deprivation and local communities in most need. However, it

was also important to use the outcome from the work to make a case for

greater funding. There were also other issues regarding funding that was

already allocated which was a small amount in any case.

• Funding seemingly was always allocated to outlets which were more

universally recognised.

• The ICB was going through a significant change programme at the

moment and part of the Board’s role would be to determine how to have

an aligned resourcing structure that ensured that the borough did not lose

the momentum of some of the borough partnership work. The transition to

a new operating model for the ICB would be a key area of focus for the

borough over the next few months. And then the further point on the place

and space for some of those wider.

• There were a few groups where more strategic consideration was given

such as a Place Editorial Board for considering delegation and what that

meant for boroughs. The NCL and local authority representatives were

meeting more regularly at officer and leadership level to start thinking

about shared areas of priority and focus.

• Haringey had newborn screening, but did not have reception screening

and the other NCL boroughs did. The recommendations of the National

Screening Committee were not clear, but consideration would be given via

through the Start Well programme and an update would be provided to the


• Place based delegated decision making needed to be factored.

• Population health and health inequalities needed to incorporate other

specific work such as the Coordinating Group or the racial equity group

work being done. The Racial Equity in Health and Social Care looked at

things that impacted inequality including mental health, maternity care and

other things.

• In reference to co-design and co-production or engagement, there would

be a launching of a toolkit that had been one of the five areas of thematic

work as part of the healthy neighbourhoods. This would take place on 10

July 2023, led by Public Voice.

• More people were required in the crisis team.




1. That the presentation be noted.

2. That the Health and Wellbeing Board endorse the manner of the progress.

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