To consider the review of the fees and charges for 2023/24
Daliah Barret, Licensing Team Leader presented the report of fees and charges 2023-2024 Licences, setting out the following:
- An RPI increase of 10% for the discretionary fees, was proposed for 2023/4. The traditional street traders will see an increase in their monthly invoices, so the increase is spread over the year. If the increase is approved the Massage and Special treatment type operators will be provided with sufficient notice of the increase in time for their renewal of licenses in September 2023.
- Benchmarking had been carried out on Street Trading, Animal Activities,
Haringey costs remain comparative to other boroughs. Other boroughs have chartered markets for which they are able to have various charging rates and a regular income.
- The Licensing Service has put in place a reduced fee for ‘pop up markets’ in particular the Regeneration inspired market at Tottenham Green East. The subsidy allows for three options for temporary street trading licences to be applied for:
o a one-day trading fee of £33,
o a three-day trading fee of £44 and
o a new yearly fee at £150.00, for market events run April to March, this is based on a once-a-month market event, a total of 12 days per calendar year.
- The proposed fees will also apply to the community led market events in Myddleton Road, St James Square and any one-off market taking place across the borough.
- The street trading fees were set under the London Local Authorities Act 1990 were set quite differently borough to borough. Haringey had set the fees to ensure the council can provide a cost neutral service including the compliance aspect of the workload.
- The Pavement licence process under the Business and Planning Act 2020 offered a streamlined quick and cheaper option for businesses to apply for external seating areas. The Act came into effect in August 2020 and Haringey has imposed the maximum application fee of £100 per application. These permits lasted until September 2023. The general effect of this had been a reduction in licensing fee income. The £100 application fee for a Pavement licence did not cover the cost of administering and compliance of the licence requirement in this regard. The Government was making this provision permanent, but this is currently going through Parliament.
- With regards to street trading there was a requirement in legislation to place a public notice in newspaper for 28 days after licensing committee decision and the Licensing officer would advise the committee if there was any issues raised on this decision.
In response to questions, the Committee noted that:
- Fruit and burger stalls were licensed differently; traditional traders have a different charging scheme. This was set out within the document and included what they pay annual fee.
- Holcombe market was a not a market and was deemed a retail unit. If the food and vegetable provision had expanded across the pathway and was encroaching it should be considered by Enforcements officers. The Licensing team leader would report this as a way forward.
- The borough did not have charter market status and where these applications for a market this would need to be consulted with neighbouring boroughs. There were temporary markets were Tottenham Green market, a site that is struggling now and fees would apply if Green Lanes wanted to apply for a one-day pop up market.
[Cllr Holly Harrison Mullane entered the meeting]
- Car boot sales were not covered within the licenses department as they were in an enclosed area, and did not fall within licensing remits. The Licensing team Leader also stated that the ones in White Hart Lane and Tottenham High Road, sports centre are noted that having enforcement work done.
- pavement licensing and no profit was being made as previously, under London Local Authority act, a fee of £130 was charged in order to use public highway per application of 13o and then and a monthly fee of £17 per square meter to be used . She noted that a popular coffee chain used to pay a fee of £4-5K a year but now to only paid £100 per year. This pavement licensing did not cover any type of street trading only the tables, chairs licenses, and had left a severe deficit in the budget area.
- Holcombe road commercial rents were charged and this was run by Property services.
• Clarified that there was a fee of £54 for a six-month application for Tottenham Hotspurs match day stalls, and a monthly fee of £17 per square metre on the size of the space that they were using.
• Daliah Barratt confirmed an error on page 261 paragraph 6.7 which incorrectly stated that Scrap Metal licenses would not have a 10% fee increase. The table at page 270 of the pack – appendix 1 included increase of 10%. This would be clarified in the minutes to ensure that the 10% increase was taken forward.
• Noted that the Environmental agencies monitored scrap metal trading premises. No specialist oversight and comes under the HSE.
• Agreed a plan to increase fees next year according to the trade is considered for next year’s report and in accordance with council priorities and objectives.
• Local Authority Specifically Environmental Health Officers, monitor MSTs premises for the use of accredited machinery for laser treatments. Have some standard conditions but can look at this and what needs to updated and revised. It was noted that a new legislation would be introduced in terms of injectable at MSTs premises.
That the Licensing Committee approved the fees for the municipal year of 2023/2024, including the increase of scrap mental license of 10% as set out at Appendix 1 and Page 270 of the document pack.
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