Agenda item

Cabinet Response to Scrutiny Panel Review on Sheltered Housing: Access to Health and Social Care Services

The Scrutiny Review on Sheltered Housing: Access to Health and Social Care Services. To be introduced by the Chair of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel.


Cabinet to respond to the recommendations of the scrutiny review.


Report of the Director of Adults, Health, and Communities. To be presented by the Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care, and Wellbeing.


Cllr Connor, Chair of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel, introduced the Scrutiny Review on Sheltered Housing: Access to Health and Social Care Services. It was stated that a number of people living in sheltered housing could feel forgotten, particularly if action was not taken on complaints. It was highlighted that the access of these residents to health and care provision and the governance around this provision was key. It was explained that the recommendations of the scrutiny review were based on the comments received from residents, families, and staff working in the sheltered housing context. Cllr Connor welcomed the planned review of sheltered housing in 2023 and asked that the Support and Wellbeing Co-production Group was included in this process.


It was noted that the Scrutiny Panel found that residents were best served by a joined up approach with Council and health services. It was asked that GPs, the Integrated Care Board (ICB), and the Barnet, Enfield, and Haringey Mental Health Trust (BEH MHT) were included in the report scheduled for 2023 and that the Scrutiny Panel was given sight of these plans. It was also noted that some older residents felt unsupported where they were now living alongside adults with sometimes complex needs; it was requested that these older people were included in the review and that a clear explanation of their engagement was provided to the Scrutiny Panel.


It was added that repairs were a key issue for sheltered housing, particularly any issues of delays. It was asked that joint working was progressed between health and housing officers to address this issue.


The Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care, and Wellbeing welcomed the scrutiny report and noted that it was proposed to agree all of the recommendations relating to Council services. It was explained that the current model in sheltered housing was due to be reviewed in 2023 and it was anticipated that this would address a number of issues raised in the report. It was also highlighted that the review would assess the offer for residents and ensure that it was locality-based approach.


It was noted that some of the recommendations related to health services and that these had been passed onto the relevant NHS partners. The Cabinet Member added that the issues would be considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board in the first instance and, if required, they could be raised at Borough Partnership and ICB level.


In response to questions from Cabinet Members, the following information was provided:

-       In response to a question about the changes to health and social care regionally, the Cabinet Member explained that the Integrated Care System (ICS) was still at an early stage of development. It was noted that the ICS Borough Partnership was currently setting its priorities. It was highlighted that this was a new model that was being implemented across the country so it was difficult to assess its effectiveness; however, it was important that the ICS would enable partnership working across health and social care.

-       The Director of Adults and Health confirmed that the ICS was discussing working together in neighbourhoods and focusing on localities based working. It was anticipated that the ICS would encourage and enable multi-disciplinary teams and supporting structures to work together in an integrated way. It was acknowledged that there was currently some duplication in this space and the ICS was starting to discuss how to bring developments forward, working alongside residents.




1.    To note the report and recommendations of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel (AHSP), outlined in Section 7 of this report, and the progress made on each to date.


2.    To agree to the proposed response to each of the proposed recommendations as set out in Section 7 of this report.


Reasons for decision


On 17 March 2022, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee approved the report and its recommendations and agreed that it be submitted to Cabinet for response.


This report outlines the Cabinet response to the AHSP recommendations. As the report contains recommendations for health and mental health partners, their response has been sought and is incorporated into the response.


Alternative options considered


Full consideration of the recommendations has been undertaken so no alternative options have been considered.


Supporting documents: