Agenda item


Proposal: Demolition of existing eight bungalows and the construction of a part one, two and three-storey building to provide supported living accommodation (Use Class C2) comprising 14 one-bedroom homes, a support office and communal garden. Provision of two wheelchair accessible parking bays, refuse/recycling and cycle stores and landscaping.


Recommendation: GRANT


The Committee considered a full planning application for the demolition of existing eight bungalows and the construction of a part one, two and three-storey building to provide supported living accommodation (Use Class C2) comprising 14 one-bedroom homes, a support office and communal garden. Provision of two wheelchair accessible parking bays, refuse/recycling and cycle stores and landscaping.


Gareth Prosser, Planning Officer, introduced the report and responded to questions from the Committee:

·         It was clarified that the accommodation would not be classified as a halfway house but would be a form of independent living for people living with a long term disability.

·         In relation to the minimum distance between the proposal and the dwellings on The Sandlings, the Planning Officer explained that all distances would be in excess of 20 metres. It was added that there had been massing and overshadowing studies and the application was not considered to have a significant impact.

·         In response to a question about landscaping, the Planning Officer explained that the beds were beyond the red line boundary of the site. It was noted that the trees on the site would be pruned to a suitable degree but it was not believed that there would be any upgrade to The Sandlings.

·         The applicant team explained that there would be some improvements to a stretch of land adjacent to the site which would make a small improvement to The Sandlings but clarified that this would not include changes to the pavement, parking, or the introduction of a crossing. It was noted that this would involve a substantial consultation exercise which was beyond the scope of this project. It was added that the project brief was to ensure safe and controlled access to the accommodation and it was considered that this was best achieved through the existing access which could provide vehicle access for two disabled parking spaces and controlled access by staff. The applicant team noted that the proposal would improve the stretch of land on the adjacent site but that the possibility to deliver wider improvements was limited.

·         It was explained that the particular staffing and care arrangements would depend on the residents. It was anticipated that all residents would have a statutory entitlement to care and that some people would have more significant care needs. It was highlighted that the format, such as the staffing levels and arrangements, would be driven by the needs of residents. In relation to overnight staffing provision, it was explained that Adults Mental Health was currently looking into arrangements with a co-production group, including those with lived experience and professionals, to determine suitable provision and inform the service specification. It was clarified that staff facilities were included in the proposal and would be classified as concierge rather than ‘sleep in’ staff. The Planning Officer added that there was a condition to secure the Management Plan.

·         In relation to staffing and possible concierge services, the applicant team explained that there was a preference for this to be provided internally by the Council but that the ability to deliver this would be assessed after the service specification had been confirmed.

·         In response to queries about tenancy arrangements, it was explained that there were some restrictions on the type of tenancies that could be agreed. It was believed that the arrangements would be a type of secure tenancy which would be fixed term and would include break clauses. It was highlighted that, although some residents would stay for a longer time period, some residents would be able to move on to live independently in permanent housing.

·         It was noted that the residents would generally be 40-50 years old.

·         The applicant team explained that residents of the site would be allowed guests but that, as they were potentially vulnerable to exploitation, part of the support work would involve securing tenancy management. It was highlighted that work would be undertaken with the residents to make sure that they were keeping themselves safe.

·         It was commented that it would be important for the accommodation to be integrated with the local community. The applicant team explained that there was a commitment to work with local people and to include them in the development of the service specification through the establishment of a sub group with local residents. It was noted that various methods of engaging the community were planned, including door knocking, leaflet dropping, and open days.

·         The Head of Development Management noted that the Council’s policy on specialist housing focused on ensuring that the facilities were suitable for intended occupiers. It was highlighted that this was addressed through the requirement for a management plan, as set out in Condition 21. It was added that the team delivering the project were experts in the specific health provision and would determine the details.


It was noted that the recommendation was to grant planning permission as set out in the report.


Following a vote with 10 votes in favour, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions, and subject to the amendments above, it was




1.    That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission and that the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability is authorised to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives subject to the signing of a legal agreement providing for the obligations set out in the Heads of Terms below.


2.    That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards and Sustainability to make any alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended heads of terms and/or recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee.


3.    That the agreement referred to in resolution (2.1) above is to be completed no later than 31st October 2022 within such extended time as the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability shall in her/his sole discretion allow; and


4.    That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (2.1) within the time period provided for in resolution (2.3) above, planning permission be granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of the conditions.


5.    Planning obligations are usually secured through a S106 legal agreement. In this instance the Council is the landowner of the site and is also the local planning authority and so cannot legally provide enforceable planning obligations to itself.


6.    Several obligations which would ordinarily be secured through a S106 legal agreement will instead be imposed as conditions on the planning permission for the proposed development.


7.    It is recognised that the Council cannot commence to enforce against itself in respect of breaches of planning conditions and so prior to issuing any planning permission measures will be agreed between the Council’s Housing service and the Planning service, including the resolution of non-compliances with planning conditions by the Chief Executive and the reporting of breaches to portfolio holders, to ensure compliance with any conditions imposed on the planning permission for the proposed development.


8.    The Council cannot impose conditions on planning permission requiring the payment of monies and so the Director of Placemaking and Housing has confirmed in writing that the payment of contributions for the matters set out below will be made to the relevant departments before the proposed development is implemented.


9.    Summary of the planning obligations for the development is provided below:


1.    Carbon offset contribution

-       Carbon offset contribution if the zero-carbon policy requirement is not met, at £2,850 per tCO2.

-       ‘Be Seen’ commitment to upload energy performance data.


2.    Car-Capped Agreement including a £4,000 contribution to amend the Traffic Management Order


3.    Car Club Membership Subsidies

Supporting documents: