Agenda item

Cabinet Member Questions

An opportunity to question the Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Well-being, Cllr Lucia das Neves, on developments within her portfolio.


Cllr das Neves introduced this item by setting out some identified priorities under her portfolio. These included mental health and wellbeing, migrants/refugees, violence against women and girls (VAWG), health inequalities, locality working in neighbourhoods and integrated working through the Borough Partnership. Other challenges included the impact of Covid, the rising demand for services including more complex needs, aids and adaptations and making the connection between housing and social care.


Cllr das Neves then responded to questions from the Panel.


Cllr Gourtsoyannis raised the issue of refugee health and discrimination in access to services. Cllr das Neves acknowledged that there were challenges, such as in relation to those with no recourse to public funds. She added that the Council was already carrying out work in this area, including in improving access to primary care services and that there was an advisory board which brought together representatives of voluntary sector services working with migrants/refugees in the Borough. The Board had assisted the Council in responding to emerging issues and in improving accessibility to services. Gill Taylor, Assistant Director for Communities and Housing Support, commented that Haringey was considered to be one of the best London Boroughs for supporting refugees with no recourse to public funds and this approach had been supported by Cabinet Members for a number of years. This included access to rent-free beds and wrap-around support. The Council also had a Welcome Strategy on offering support and advice for newly arrived migrants and refugees. There were various active projects including on supporting Ukrainian refugees, Hong Kong migrants and the Afghan relocation scheme.


Asked by Cllr Gourtsoyannis about the Council’s role in access to hospital treatment for refugees/migrants and associated issues around how Hospital Trusts interpreted the law in this area, Gill Taylor said that a groups of colleagues from Councils and the CCG in the NCL area meet regularly to discuss inclusion health which covers this topic. This group had so far mainly looked at how to expand capacity to provide support rather than the legal issues. Rachel Lissauer suggested that this group could feed into the Integrated Care Partnership to increase visibility of the issues across NCL. Gill Taylor agreed that she would follow up on the legal questions with Hospital Trusts and the links to the Integrated Care Partnership. (ACTION)


Cllr Peacock raised the issue of VAWG and requested an update on the Hearthstone charity noting that it no longer appeared to be present at the shop front on Commerce Road where it had previously been based. Denise Gandy, Assistant Director for Housing Demand, explained that the charity had recently moved from the shop front to the community centre behind this due to social distancing requirements during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hearthstone remained active and was currently looking to extend its outreach offer.


Cllr Peacock also raised the issue of violence against men. Cllr das Neves acknowledged that this was an issue and that rates had recently increased but noted that, as women suffer this type of violence disproportionately, this is where most of the strategic focus was directed. Gill Taylor commented that an LGBT IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) was currently being recruited, noting that some of the violence against men was committed by other men. Denise Gandy added that the Hearthstone charity provided a service offer to men. Cllr das Neves noted that more investment had recently been used to support VAWG services including some work with a focus on perpetrators.


Asked about the provision of refuges, Will Maimaris said that while some spaces were provided in-borough, many women would go out of borough in order to get away from their situation. Gill Taylor said that the provision of safe accommodation was being expanded in Haringey, providing more women with the choice to stay in-borough if they wished.


Due to time limitations, Cllr Connor requested that written updates be provided to the Panel on the current situations with Canning Crescent and Osborne Grove. The Panel also requested a written update on the use of former Irish Centre site, Cllr Connor asking about progress on proposals to move the Grace Organisation into the building and Cllr Peacock expressing concerns about possible unauthorised use of the building. (ACTION) Cllr das Neves noted that a new digital newsletter had just been produced on Canning Crescent which provided an overview on the latest situation. She added that the site was looking good, though the opening date had been delayed.


Asked by Cllr Connor for an update on the Adults & Health budget and the situation with any savings that were required given the current pressure on services. Cllr das Neves noted that an additional £6m had been invested in the 2022/23 budget and agreed to provide a more detailed response in writing. (ACTION)