Stewart, Programme Director for the Start Well programme,
introduced the report for the item on Start Well, which was a
long-term change programme focusing on children & young
people’s and maternity & neonatal services in a hospital
context across North Central London. This covered hospital services
at the North Middlesex, UCLH, Royal Free, Barnet, Chase Farm and
Whittington Health as well as pathways with specialist providers
such as Great Ormond Street. The project had started in November
2021 and the first phase had been looking at how services worked at
the moment, how they compared to best practice and international
standards, and identifying opportunities for improvement. This
phase had now been completed with the Case for Change findings
Dr Emma
Whicher, Medical Director for North Middlesex University Hospital
and SRO (Senior Responsible Owner) for the Start Well programme,
provided further detail to the Committee about the themes that had
been identified. She said that there were good examples of
outstanding care provided to children & young people and
pregnant women but opportunities for improvement were found. These
- Health
inequalities with variations in stillbirth rates between boroughs
and the babies of black women twice as likely to be admitted to a
neonatal unit after birth compared to those of white
- The
sustainability of staffing was recognised as a challenge with
agency staff being used to fill shifts in many instances. In
neonatal services there was a need to match care capacity with
demand and the provision of community support was variable between
- With
regards to children and young people’s services there had
been an increase in the number of children presenting to A&E
with minor/moderate health issues suggesting that these could be
dealt with in alternative settings. Children and young people with
long-term health conditions who lived in the most deprived areas
were more likely to be admitted to hospital. Pathways for children
waiting for treatment was variable between and within hospitals
depending on the skills of the surgeons.
Morales Oyarce, Head of Communications and Engagement for NCL ICB,
spoke about the engagement process outlining a 10-week period of
consultation running from 4th July to 9th
September which would seek views from staff, patients, stakeholders
and the public about the Case for Change findings. The patient and
public engagement process had been developed with partners
including Councils and the voluntary and community sector. This
would include online discussion events, interactive workshops, a
questionnaire, drop-in events and specialist engagement with
children and young people. A report would subsequently be published
on the feedback received and this would be used to inform the next
stages of the programme.
Belanor, Head of Maternity & Neo-natal Commissioning for NCL
ICB, reported that a piece of work was ongoing to improve midwifery
workforce issues including by looking at ways of attracting staff
and supporting staff health and wellbeing to improve retention and
reduce sickness rates.
Stewart and her colleagues then responded to questions from
Committee Members:
- Asked
by Cllr Connor about the questions that would be asked to
residents, Anna Stewart explained that the engagement would be
split into two areas. Firstly, there would be an opportunity to
reflect on the findings from the Case for Change and then,
secondly, asking about what mattered to the people using services.
It was important to check and reflect that the work that had been
done in the first phase matched with the staff and patient
experience. This feedback would all be brought together in
September to develop a view on what good models of care looked
like. Specific factors may, for example, include individual
hospital footprints and recruitment challenges.
- Cllr
Cohen commented on the waiting times noting that, according to the
report, 4,300 children and young people were currently waiting for
treatment at NCL sites and that 330 had been waiting for over a
year. Dr Emma Whicher explained that a backlog had built up during
the Covid pandemic, particularly in dental and ENT procedures for
children due to the strict requirements on infection control. Now
that these requirements had been loosened, work was ongoing to
reduce this backlog. There was a well-established process in acute
hospitals of reviewing children on waiting lists for any risk of
harm. Cllr Connor commented that the waiting list numbers were
shocking and suggested that a breakdown of the types of cases
should be provided. (ACTION)
- Cllr
Hutton commented that those presenting at A&E were likely to be
those least engaged with health services and that the local
voluntary and community sector may have a role to play in improving
engagement. Cllr Revah asked about typical waiting times at
A&E. Anna Stewart said that this issue had been considered as
part of the programme with workshops held over the summer. She
added that there was found to be a link between A&E attendance
and deprivation but further exploration and engagement on this
issue, including understanding on what engages people to attend,
was needed in the next stages of the programme.
- Asked
by Cllr Revah about the definition of age ranges for
children’s services and adults services, Anna Stewart said
that different hospitals had different age cut-offs for transitions
between services, ranging from 17 to 19. The Case for Change report
acknowledged this issue and suggested that there was an opportunity
for thinking more consistently on this across the NCL
- Cllr
Revah and Cllr Anolue asked about support for new mothers to
prevent isolation such as home visits, particularly in BAME
communities. Cllr Milne expressed concerns about the statistic in
the report that black women were twice as likely to be admitted to
a neonatal unit after birth compared to those of white women. Angie
Belanor said that across the country there was an emphasis on
continuity of care models which improve outcomes and so it was
important to ensure that this was offered in a structured way
locally and that it was delivered in communities where outcomes
were in particular need of improvement. Enhanced visiting was
available for parents of babies that had been admitted to neo-natal
units. This was also linked in with a national piece of equalities
work which was looking at the experiences of staff and outcomes for
patients from BAME backgrounds.
- Asked
by Cllr Anolue what measures were in place to encourage recruitment
into midwifery, Angie Belanor commented that national funding had
recently been made available for improvements to maternity services
including to support staff recruitment and retention and improve
care. Support was also being provided through maternal medicine
networks and a structured development programme for newly recruited
- Cllr
Bevan asked about measures to engage young people in the
consultation process. Chloe Morales Oyarce explained that they had
been using different measures with partners to do this including
focus groups with children in care organised through a voluntary
organisation, contact with condition-specific groups through NHS
Trusts, and consultation with schools, children’s centres and
voluntary & community groups.
Connor suggested that details on the number of people from BAME
backgrounds who were engaged over the Start Well consultation
should be made available along with when their views on these
topics were. (ACTION)
The Committee proposed recommendations based on the
discussion as follows:
- A breakdown of the types of cases of the 4,300
children & young people on the waiting list for treatment
should be provided.
- On retention of the workforce, an understanding
from staff of the key reasons that would cause them to consider
leaving their job should be sought.
- An issue was raised about the acknowledgement in
the report that the Royal Free did not have a high level of
neonatal care provision and so the future of the unit was being
considered. The concern expressed was that patients might not feel
confident in giving birth at the Royal Free if there was no
neonatal unit available should something go wrong so this issue
should therefore be considered as part of the Start Well process. A
similar concern was raised about the comment in the report that
“the maternity and neonatal estate at the Whittington
Hospital does not meet agreed modern standards”.
It was agreed that a further update on the Start
Well process could brought to the JHOSC at a later date and that
the timing of this would need to be agreed as part of the
Panel’s work planning process. (ACTION)