Agenda item

HGY/2022/0011 - 573-575 LORDSHIP LANE, N22 5LE

Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide 17 affordable residential units (Use Class C3) with landscaping and other associated works.


Recommendation: GRANT


The Committee considered an application for the Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide 17 affordable residential units (Use Class C3) with landscaping and other associated works.


Christopher Smith, Planning Officer, introduced the report and responded to questions from the Committee:

·         It was explained that, on Lordship Lane, the site would be screened by a tree and that the development would not be significantly visible throughout the year.

·         It was confirmed that there would be 10 homes provided at London Affordable Rent and seven homes provided at intermediate sale tenure. The Planning Officer explained that the Council would have a first option to purchase all units. It was noted that the amount potentially paid by the Council would be subject to negotiations.

·         It was noted that the development would require a carbon offset payment. The Conservation Officer noted that there were a number of ways that carbon offset payments were spent, including retrofitting fuel poverty homes and fabric efficiencies.

·         Some members of the Committee enquired whether a taller building had been considered in order to provide additional homes. The Principal Urban Design Officer stated that the proposed height was considered to be appropriate height. It was explained that the neighbouring buildings were two storeys to the south and three storeys to the east. It was acknowledged that the petrol station was five storeys but that this was considered appropriate due to the road frontage.

·         Some members of the Committee suggested that the proposed development had an oppressive design when viewed from the petrol station entrance. The Principal Urban Design Officer noted that the design faced away from the petrol station and allowed for the possibility of future redevelopment up to the site boundary. It was added that residents would not have to walk across the petrol station to access their homes.

·         It was noted that the proposed colour of the brickwork had been selected to match the existing brickwork on Lordship Lane and Noel Park Estate.

·         It was noted that there was a risk of some contamination issues on the site, and it was confirmed that the applicant would be using Haringey Council’s Building Control Team.

·         The applicant team clarified that it was aimed to connect the development to the District Energy Network (DEN) but that this would be subject to feasibility and viability considerations. For example, it was not yet confirmed whether there would be a DEN connection in the area. It was noted that air source heat pumps would provide heating to the properties but that the development would be designed to enable a connection to the DEN.

·         It was noted that the site was located near a petrol station. The Planning Officer confirmed that an air quality assessment had been submitted and it was considered that there was no negative impact for the development. It was added that, according to Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) guidance, residential properties could be built no closer than 10 metres from a petrol pump; the properties in this development would be at least 13 metres from the petrol station canopy and this was considered to be acceptable. The applicant team added that the proposed building had also been re-oriented so that residential units were not overlooking the petrol station.

·         In response to a question from the Committee, the applicant explained that it would be aimed to start the development within two years, rather than the maximum proposed period of three years. However, given the current environment for build costs and likely inflation, the applicant requested that the proposed condition and time period of three years was retained.

·         Some members suggested that it would be helpful for the Committee to consider samples of the proposed bricks before determining the application. The Head of Development Management noted that Committees had been presented with brick samples previously where this was considered to be critical to the acceptability of a proposal. It was considered, in this case, that there were a number of acceptable options. It was added that the final materials could take a significant time to be confirmed but would be rigorously assessed as set out in the proposed conditions.

·         Some members of the Committee expressed concerns that no members of the public had attended the meeting to address the Committee. The Head of Development Management noted that this was a major application which had involved a number of resident notifications, site notifications, and press notices. The applicant team also stated that the applicant had employed a community consultation consultant and had undertaken a process of direct consultation in addition to the statutory requirements.


The Head of Development Management confirmed that the recommendation was to grant planning permission as set out in the report.


Following a vote with 10 votes in favour, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions, it was




1.    To GRANT planning permission and that the Head of Development Management or Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability is authorised to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives subject to the signing of a Section 106 Legal Agreement providing for the obligations set out in the Heads of Terms below.


2.    That the section 106 legal agreement referred to in resolution (1) above is to be completed no later than 31st July 2022 or within such extended time as the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability shall in her/his sole discretion allow; and


3.    That, following completion of the agreement(s) referred to in resolution (1) within the time period provided for in resolution (2) above, planning permission shall be granted in accordance with the Planning Application subject to the attachment of the conditions; and


4.    That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director of Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability/Head of Development Management to make any alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended heads of terms and/or recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power provided this authority shall be exercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee.




1)    Three years to commence

2)    In accordance with plans

3)    Materials details

4)    Wheelchair accessible units

5)    Satellite dish or antenna

6)    Secured by design

7)    External lighting

8)    Accessible parking spaces

9)    Parking restrictions

10) Construction logistics plan

11) Interim travel plan

12) Full travel plan

13) Boundary treatments

14) Landscaping details

15) Access from Moselle Avenue

16) Equipment noise limits

17) Sound insulation

18) Cycle parking

19) Delivery and servicing plan

20) Contamination investigation

21) Unexpected contamination

22) Environmental management plans

23) Considerate constructor scheme

24) Energy statement

25) Overheating mitigation

26) Living roofs

27) Ecological enhancements

28) Electric vehicle parking

29) Site drainage management

30) District energy network connection




1)    Proactive statement

2)    Signage

3)    Naming and numbering

4)    Asbestos survey

5)    Water pressure

6)    Designing out crime contact

7)    Environmental permit


Section 106 Heads of Terms:


1)    Affordable Housing


·         100% affordable housing

·         60% London Affordable Rent, 40% intermediate sale/shared ownership

·         Council has time-limited first option to purchase homes


2)    Loss of Employment Floor Space


·         Payment of a financial contribution of £24,711 towards promoting employment and adult education in Haringey


3)    Car Free Development


·         No users of the residential units will be entitled to apply for residents, business or visitor parking permits in the vicinity of the development

·         The relevant Traffic Management Order (TMO) controlling local on-street parking must be amended for which a sum of £4,000 is required


4)    Car Club Memberships


·         Establishment of a car club scheme in the vicinity of the development

·         Two years free membership for all residents

·         £50 credit per year for first two years for all residents

·         Enhanced membership (three years free membership and £100 credit per year) for occupiers of the three-bedroom residential units, up to a maximum of two occupiers per unit


5)    Travel Plan Monitoring


·         The review and monitoring of the Travel Plan Statement (secured by condition) over a period of five years starting from the submission of the Full Travel Plan Statement (including the baseline staff travel survey). A financial contribution of £3,000 will be required to be paid in full to this effect.


6)    Zero Carbon Measures


·         Submission of a revised Energy Statement prior to implementation

·         Submission of a Sustainability Statement within three months of occupation

·         Carbon Offsetting contribution of £17,744 (including 10% management fee), 50% (plus management fee) to be paid on implementation and 50% on final approval of Sustainability Statement referenced above


7)    Employment and Skills Plan


·         Submit an ESP to the Council for its written approval 28 days prior to the implementation of the development

·         Commit a named individual to engage with the Council’s Employment and Skills Team and Construction Partnership Network

·         Minimum 20% of the peak on-site workforce to be Haringey residents for a minimum of 26 weeks

·         Provision for the delivery of bespoke skills-based training (20%) and traineeships (5%) for Haringey priority groups. These opportunities must be open to candidates (including priority groups) nominated by the Council (or another agency as agreed by the Council)

·         Provision of apprenticeships nominated by the Council at one per £3m development cost (max. 10% of total construction workforce) supported by a fee of £1,500 per apprentice placement to cover the recruitment process

·         Provision of work placements for unemployed and/or economically inactive Haringey residents

·         Provision of STEM and/or Career Inspirational workshop sessions in agreement with the Council’s Employment and Skills Team

·         Other initiatives as recommended by the Council’s Employment and Skills Team and Construction Partnership

·         Support for suppliers and businesses which are based in Haringey to tender for such works as may be appropriate for them to undertake and/or support for locally based social enterprises including capacity building assistance through advice, business planning, mentoring and the purchase of products or services.


8)    Monitoring Contributions


·         £500 for all non-financial heads of terms above (£1,000)

·         Contributions to be provided on implementation of the development to enable adequate monitoring over the course of its lifetime


5.    In the event that members choose to make a decision contrary to officers’        recommendation members will need to state their reasons.


6.    That, in the absence of the agreement referred to in resolution (1) above being completed within the time period provided for in resolution (2) above, the planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing a financial contribution to mitigate for the loss of employment floor space, would fail to safeguard local employment opportunities. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy DM40 of the Development Management DPD 2017 and Policy SP8 of the Local Plan 2017.


2.    The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing the provision of affordable housing, would fail to secure mixed and balanced communities in the local area. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy DM13 of the Development Management DPD 2017 and Policy SP2 of the Local Plan 2017.


3.    The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing parking permit restrictions and other parking control measures, would create an excess of on-street parking in the local area to the detriment of highway and public safety. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy DM32 of the Development Management DPD 2017.


4.    The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing sufficient energy efficiency measures and/or financial contribution towards carbon offsetting, would result in an unacceptable level of carbon dioxide emissions. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policy SI2 of the London Plan, Local Plan 2017 Policy SP4 and Policy DM21 of the Development Management DPD 2017.


5.    The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to work with the Council’s Employment and Skills team and to provide other employment initiatives would fail to support local employment, regeneration and address local unemployment by facilitating training opportunities for the local population. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy SP9 of Haringey’s Local Plan 2017.


7.    In the event that the Planning Application is refused for the reasons set out in resolution (5) above, the Head of Development Management (in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Sub-Committee) is hereby authorised to approve any further application for planning permission which duplicates the Planning Application provided that:


i.              There has not been any material change in circumstances in the relevant planning considerations, and

ii.            The further application for planning permission is submitted to and approved by the Assistant Director within a period of not more than 12 months from the date of the said refusal, and

iii.           The relevant parties shall have previously entered into the agreement contemplated in resolution (1) above to secure the obligations specified therein.

Supporting documents: