Agenda item

Cabinet Members Questions

An opportunity to question the Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Well-being, Cllr Lucia das Neves, on developments within her portfolio.


Cllr das Neves, Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Well-being, introduced this item with an update on some key issues:

  • The Canning Crescent Mental Health Centre was due to open in June/July with more bed space for people in crisis, a community café and the safe haven run by Mind all in an accessible location.
  • On Covid, a lot of the government financial support would be dropping away and that, in this new phase, the Council would be looking at the learning from the pandemic and how to further develop outreach to increase vaccination rates.
  • There had been a lot of work on health and care integration with new legislation and guidance and changes to the Borough Partnership (including co-production) with Integrated Care Systems expected to begin in July.
  • The work on place-based hubs was progressing, starting with Northumberland Park, and bringing the Council’s presence into the community was vital, particularly following years of austerity cuts.
  • The prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) was a significant priority and there had been a commitment to increase funding in recognition of the scale of the issue, including the rise in domestic abuse during the pandemic. There were also new measures expected on lighting and surveillance, including in Finsbury Park.
  • New efforts were being made to improve work on aid and adaptations, particularly on communications and on resourcing in areas such as occupational therapists and surveyors (though this was a wider regional and national problem).
  • The ongoing integration work with Homes for Haringey (HfH) would include the links between health and care and HfH services such as sheltered housing.
  • There was a large capital programme which including a project to support women experiencing homelessness/rough sleeping and women experiencing domestic abuse. The capital programme also included Osborne Grove Nursing Home where the co-production had been of a high standard. 57 White Hart Lane was a project with the NHS to provide care and support for young people with complex needs and this was in the early stage of development.

Cllr das Neves and senior officers then responded to questions from the Panel:

  • Asked by Cllr Culverwell for her view on priorities for scrutiny, Cllr das Neves responded that tracking the data on a regular basis, as previously mentioned, would be her suggestion.
  • Asked by Ali Amasyali whether services were back to normal operation yet after Covid, Cllr das Neves said that a lot of services had functioned throughout the pandemic. However, some residents were still reluctant to engage with services face-to-face, there was still some backlog in certain areas and there were also now higher levels of demand in some areas.
  • Ali Amasyali asked for statistics on the typical timescales for aids and adaptations to be implemented after an application. Beverley Tarka responded that pre-Covid it could typically take 12 months for a standard adaptation to be completed. An additional challenge since then included supply and demand issues which were causing delays and this was unfortunately likely to remain the case for some time to come. The Council recognised that communication with residents about progress on their application was particularly important in such circumstances. Cllr Blake asked about the use of suppliers and contractors and suggested that data on how the delays in this area had changed over the last few years could be brought to a future meeting. (ACTION) Beverley Tarka added that the Council used the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to obtain contractors. Charlotte Pomery said that local suppliers were used in some circumstances but this would often depend on specialisms and the scale of the work required. Asked by Cllr Blake whether there was any collaboration with other Boroughs on suppliers, Charlotte Pomery commented that there was some work with other London Boroughs on specialised equipment to bring down costs. Additional costs had resulted from the impact of Brexit, increases in demand and rises in inflation.
  • Cllr Connor asked about the decrease in the base Adults budget in 2022/23 as had been observed during the recent budget scrutiny exercise. Cllr das Neves said that £6m of additional funding had been provided in recognition of the increased need that was anticipated. She added that a written response would be provided to the Panel on the specific figures that Cllr Connor raised from the budget scrutiny. (ACTION)
  • Asked by Cllr Connor about funding for VAWG initiatives in schools, Cllr das Neves acknowledged that the budgets were an issue and so was the ability for schools to manage new initiatives given their recent focus on recovering from the pandemic. There was also some ongoing work with young people on a VAWG campaign with videos to challenge victim-blaming attitudes.
  • Cllr Connor noted that Panel Members had visited sheltered housing schemes in the Borough recently and had expressed concerns that people with very high needs were placed with older residents. Cllr das Neves said that she was aware of these concerns and agreed about the importance of sheltered housing residents feeling safe. She committed to an additional written response on this issue. (ACTION) Charlotte Pomery observed that there may be further work to do to consider particular designation of schemes for particular needs. Cllr Blake added that he had picked up concerns from residents that the criteria for admissions to sheltered housing appeared to have changed towards residents with high needs rather than those who were mainly independent but needed some limited support.
  • Cllr Connor reiterated her concerns from earlier in the meeting about funding for mental health support for young people in schools so that this was provided across the whole of the borough. Cllr das Neves agreed that this was a concern and said that she would raise this with Cllr Zena Brabazon, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families and would provide a written response to the Panel. (ACTION)