Agenda item

Award of contract for the purchase of library stock to Askews and Holts


The Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children, and Families considered the report which sought to enter into call-off contracts for the purchase of Library Stock with the preferred Contractors Supplier A and Supplier B for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years as allowed under the Council Contracts Standing Order (CSO) 9.07.1(d) for a total contract value of not exceeding £1,000,000.


It was noted that the contract was broken down in the following Lots:

Lot 1 (Adult Stock & Reference) – Supplier A

Lot 2 (Children’s Stock) – Supplier B

Lot 3 (Audio Visual Stock) – Supplier A


The Cabinet Member RESOLVED


1.    To give approval for the Council to enter into Call-off contracts with Supplier A and Supplier B for purchase of library stock in accordance with Contract Standing Order 7.01(b) and Contract Standing Order 9.07.1(d) for a maximum value of £1,000,000. Details of Suppliers A and B is outlined in Appendix 1 - Part B (exempt information) of the report.


2.    To agree that the contract period is 1 April 2022 31 March 2025 (with an option to extend for up to a further 2 years).


Reasons for decision


Library services contribute to key priorities 2, 3 & 4 by providing access to education, learning and employment opportunities through the resources they provide and staff expertise. They are at the heart of communities and help to foster a sense of place, helping to combat social isolation, improving wellbeing and growing local economy by increasing access to business opportunities.


The purchase of stock is budgeted for and forms a fundamental part of Business As Usual. Library stock is a core element of the service. It provides communities and individuals with access to materials that facilitate learning for all ages, it supports educational attainment, helps to improve literacy levels and to get people into further education and the work place. It combats social isolation, for example though book groups and baby and toddler storytimes.


Failure to provide quality library stock impacts significantly on the levels of use and the ability of libraries to contribute to the Council’s priorities; it carries a reputational risk for the Council and compromises our ability to comply with the Public Libraries Act of 1964.


In order to ensure compliance with procurement legislation and ensure value for money, strategic procurement led a Mini Competition exercise in accordance with CSO 7.01(b). The ESPO Framework, Library Stock supply (ref 376F_18) was used. The tender was sent to three suppliers (industry leading suppliers) that were registered in the Framework Agreement. The Mini Competition was based on:


Price 50%

Quality 50%


The reason the above evaluation weighting was applied was to ensure the Council’s requirement for high quality, sensitive, accurate and critical data was met by the winning supplier/s.


The Pricing Schedule for each Lot was a shopping basket of 50 books (for Lots 1 and 2 and audio visual material for Lot 3), that suppliers were asked to bid for (net of discount of retail price), processing costs and supplier selection costs.


Alternative options considered


Do nothing This was not an option as purchase of new library stock is essential to ensure that library provision is current and in the case of non fiction and reference materials accurate.


Direct Award as an alternative to a mini competition This was not considered as viable option as the mini competition would yield a better cost effective (value for money) outcome.

Supporting documents: