Agenda item

To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Review on High Road West & Cabinet Response to the review and Recommendations

High Road West Scrutiny Review to be introduced by the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Cabinet Response to the Scrutiny Recommendations to be introduced by the Leader of the Council.


In introducing the Scrutiny Review on High Road West, The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny referred to the Cabinet response to the 15 recommendations set out at 121 to 13 of the agenda pack.


The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny welcomed the agreement of 10 of the 15 recommendations. He continued to raise the following issues in relation to the five recommendations that were partially agreed, calling for Cabinet to fully and unequivocally agree recommendations 1, 10, 11 and 12.


-       The response to Recommendation 1 on rent levels for tenants transferring to a property in estate regeneration staying at the same level without diminution, the response indicated that there would be a 10% increase on the rent. The response did not further provide an indication of whether services charges would be increased and this could presumably be assumed.

-       Recommendation 5 – noted the four strands to this recommendation concerning facilities and construction. The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny accepted the partial agreement to green spaces and car parking recommendations and reasons provided that these were protected programmes.

-       Recommendation 10 concerned the businesses on the Peacock industrial estate and where the Committee had agreed that there was not adequate consultation with on the regeneration. The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny explained that when embarking on regeneration schemes, where it would be unviable for businesses to move out or where there was legitimate concerns about the loss of freehold, the Council should design regeneration/ place making schemes to ensure mixture of businesses, including light industrial business.

-       Recommendation 11 concerned compensation to business so they did not suffer due to relocation. It was not clear why this was not agreed

-       Recommendation 12 called for the same principles that underpin the GLA’s resident Ballot to apply to businesses. This could be in the form of consultation and that regeneration plans are drawn up with their active input.


The Cabinet Member for House Building, Place - Making and Development responded, at this point in the meeting, to the separate Overview and Scrutiny recommendation put forward at item 8, concerning the independent review of the Love Lane Estate Ballot and also to the main Scrutiny review of High Road West, containing  15 recommendations at item 9.


With regards to the recorded evidence circulated to Councillors from residents concerning the ballot process, the Cabinet Member had listened to the transcript three times and did not hear evidence of untoward activity. There was also an overall caution given of not circulating resident’s names and addresses as a data breach. There were allegations in the recordings regarding  anti-social behaviour and its motivation  which were not agreed with and considered an offensive campaign. The Cabinet Member emphasised that from the evidence she had seen there was nothing that would merit recommending an independent review.


With regards to rental increase, this was included in the Landlord offer and before the ballot was taken forward so  Council obliged to follow this. Service charges were pooled across all estates and would be the same for all tenants.


In relation to the responses relating to businesses, The AD for Regeneration advised that the reason these were put forward for partial agreement reflected the way in which the recommendations were written. Considering the recommendations in a literal sense meant considering the actions that were needed. Therefore, agreeing this recommendation in full could expose the Council to an unknown financial commitment and a’ blank cheque’ principle. There was also a legislation covering how businesses were compensated in regeneration schemes i.e. CPO of a freehold which needed consideration.


Following questions from Cllr Brabazon and Cllr Barnes the following comments/information was noted.


-       The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny welcomed the acceptance of recommendation 2 and clarified that there was a distinction between the ‘lessons learnt review’ and call for independent review. The former would be completed internally.

-       With regards to listening to the residents of Love Lane and taking forward the learning from the ‘lessons learnt’ review to also inform other forthcoming ballots, the Cabinet Member advised that this was an ongoing process and lessons learnt from Love Lane Ballot would be taken  forward. The Cabinet Member expressed the need to be clear on the proposals being voted on in the forthcoming Broadwater Farm demolition ballot.

-       The ongoing review process meant the Council were continually reviewing the scripts used by officers to communicate with residents, referring to the code of conduct, which advises that officers only let residents know what their options are and the facts.

-       In response to Cllr Davies, the Cabinet Member agreed that if there was any evidence of tampering, falsifying, deliberately loosing ballot papers, there would be a full investigation and, if necessary, the ballot re-run.




1.1.       To consider the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) following their review of the High Road West scheme, attached as Appendix 1 to the report;


1.2.       To agree the response to the above recommendations attached as Appendix 2 to the report.


1.3.       To consider the separate recommendation by the OSC in relation to the Love Lane ballot (see item number 8 of the agenda pack);


1.4.       To agree the response to the above recommendation attached as Appendix 3 to the report.


Reasons for decision


On 29 November 2021, the OSC met to approve the recommendations of the scrutiny review of the High Road West scheme.


In development of the report, the Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Panel (H&RSP) and then the OSC held a number of evidence gathering sessions, speaking to Council officers and key stakeholders including local businesses and the Love Lane Residents Association (RA). These were initially held in February and March 2020, with the remainder completed in August 2021 following a delay due to the covid-19 pandemic.


Alternative options considered


An alternative option would be to not consider nor respond to the recommendations of the OSC. This option was not considered as a viable option. The OSC is able to refer its findings and recommendations to full Council or other non-Executive Committees, as it considers appropriate. It is important that the Council fully considers the findings of the review and responds accordingly.



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