[Report of the Director of Housing, Regeneration and Planning. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport, and the Climate Emergency and Deputy Leader of the Council]
Clerks note: Councillor das Neves left the meeting for the consideration of this item.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency and Deputy Leader of the Council introduced the report which sought approval of the principle to implement the Bounds Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (Bounds Green LTN) experimental scheme and a range of complementary measures including new pedestrian crossings, cycle hangars and four trial School Streets. The LTN aimed to reduce or remove non-local motor traffic from residential areas of Bounds Green, as well as reduce the number of short trips made by vehicles which could be walked or cycled. If approved, the proposed Bounds Green LTN would be implemented on a trial basis for a maximum of 18 months under an experimental traffic management order.
The Cabinet Member responded to questions from the Cabinet:
- If approved, the aim would be to implement the scheme as soon as possible in the new year.
The Cabinet Member and Officers responded to questions from Councillor Cawley-Harrison:
- Signage for the schemes would be absolutely clear for drivers entering into the areas. It was common for fines to be high at the introduction of new schemes, but these petered out once drivers were used to the new measures.
- Officers would be monitoring traffic volumes carefully across the borough to improve the information on traffic across the borough. The report packs contained the high-level traffic assessment and would help to inform where mitigations may or may not be necessary.
Councillor Cawley-Harrison added that the Alexandra Ward Councillors strongly supported the proposals.
RESOLVED that Cabinet
1. Notes the responses received to the proposed Bounds Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) as part of Engagement Stage 1 (Early Engagement), Engagement Stage 2 (Community Design Workshops) and Engagement Stage 3 (Public Consultation) as set out in Appendices E and K including the petition submitted by residents living within the proposed area C of the Bounds Green LTN (Appendix L);
2. Approves the making of an experimental traffic management order to implement the Bounds Green LTN experimental scheme, as set out on the plan in Appendix M, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings to implement the traffic control measures shown on the plan;
3. Approves the making of an experimental traffic management order to implement the School Streets, as set out on the plan in Appendix M, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings to implement the traffic control measures shown on the plan;
4. Approves the implementation of bike hangars, as set out on the plan in Appendix M, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings;
5. Approve the implementation of pedestrian crossings, as set out on the plan in Appendix M, subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed engineering drawings;
6. In relation to the LTN only, approve the exemption of:
a. Blue Badge holders living within the LTN or on its immediate boundary;
b. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transport; and
c. Essential Haringey Council services catering for people with a disability
to non-hard closure filters in the Bounds Green LTN experimental scheme as per paragraph 6.77 of this report.
7. Delegates approval to the Director of Environment & Neighbourhoods to agree the engineering drawings for the experimental traffic management orders for the Bounds Green LTN and School Streets and the engineering drawings for the bike hangars and pedestrian crossings, set out in recommendations B to E provided any changes to the Plan in Appendix M do not need to be reported back to the Leader, Cabinet or an individual Cabinet member as a key decision;
8. Authorises the Director of Environment & Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency, to modify or suspend the operation of the experimental traffic management orders for the Bounds Green LTN and/or School Streets if it appears to the Director essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic or for providing suitable and adequate on-street parking facilities, or for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road affected by the order runs provided any decision to modify or suspend does not need to be reported back to the Leader, Cabinet or an individual Cabinet member as a key decision.
Reasons for decision
The proposed Bounds Green LTN has been developed over 10 months informed by a significant amount of engagement with local residents and other key stakeholders. In early 2021, the Council began early engagement with residents and businesses on the proposed Bounds Green LTN. The most common issue raised by respondents was ‘Air Quality Concerns’, followed by ‘Traffic Congestion’ and ‘Traffic Volumes.’ The most commonly suggested improvement from respondents was ‘Reduce Traffic Volumes’, followed by ‘Measures to Improve Air Quality’ and ‘Reduce Traffic Speeds.’ Having regard to this feedback, a series of Bounds Green LTN design proposals were developed to help address the concerns raised. Engagement was carried out on these in May 2021 via online Community Design Workshops. Based on feedback received at Engagement Stage 2 a preferred design option was developed including a greater element of camera enforced filters versus physical filters.
From 16 August 2021 to Friday 17 September 2021, a public consultation was held on the preferred design options. Although there was an overall negative response to the changes proposed, including an overall negative response from residents living within each of the three areas of the proposed Bounds Green LTN, these headlines conceal a variety of different viewpoints on the Bounds Green LTN. While some people were opposed to the Bounds Green LTN in its totality, many negative responses reflected concerns that, as currently designed, the proposed Bounds Green LTN would not produce the desired objectives of the Council. In relation to Areas B and C of the proposed Bounds Green LTN, a lot of objections related to residents’ rejection of a full-time LTN and a preference for a time-based LTN.A time-based LTN is not supported by the Council as a consequential change in behaviour could simply be a shift in commuting travel times (i.e. to off-peak), it will not reduce existing levels of non-local through-traffic (i.e. off-peak rat-running) and it does not encourage the shift to walking, cycling and other sustainable modes of transport. Furthermore, there are spikes in traffic flows that occur outside of peak hours which, combined with the timed approach that applies to School Streets, would make general understanding of the hours of operation of any LTN extremely challenging. In response to specific concerns raised, the Council has made a number of post-consultation changes to the proposed Bounds Green LTN as well as proposed a number of exemptions to the traffic restrictions. Other key concerns of those opposing the Bounds Green LTN are noted, particularly concerns around increased traffic on main roads, increasing air pollution and longer journey times. However, it is considered that these can be mitigated through monitoring and addressed through changes to the trial Bounds Green LTN if necessary. It is also the case that people without access to a car were significantly underrepresented within respondents. Such people were found to be much more positive about the Bounds Green LTN than those who own or have access to a car.
Introducing the Bounds Green LTN is expected to result in the adjustment of motor vehicle travel behaviour of both those living within the LTN and those living outside. Some drivers will adjust routes and behaviour to avoid the Bounds Green LTN area, switch to walking, cycling or public transport or even reduce the number of journeys. The proposed Bounds Green LTN scheme will contribute to reducing through-traffic in the area; it will also help encourage residents who currently make trips by motor vehicle to switch some local journeys to more sustainable travel modes. A substantial proportion of locally-generated motor vehicle trips (i.e. by Haringey residents) are short. TfL data indicates that over 60% of such trips (accounting for those that are essential/cannot be made by other means, e.g. due to a physical or other disability) could be made by cleaner, more sustainable modes. By making some local motor vehicle trips slightly less attractive (e.g. slightly longer due to restrictions in certain places) and walking/cycling much more attractive (by reducing dominance of vehicle traffic on these streets), a switch from the former to the latter will be encouraged.
Transport is third largest source of emissions in the borough yet less than half of Haringey households have access to a car or van and this figure is falling. Census data from 2011 shows that household access across the area to cars or vans is low. 52% of households in Bounds Green ward, 54% of households Woodside and 27% of households in Alexandra ward do not have access to a car or van. This means that a large proportion of households in the area do not benefit from the large amount of space on the public highway which currently enables rat-running traffic.
A range of assessments have been carried out to understand the potential impacts of the proposed Bounds Green LTN. The Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) showed that the measures are likely to advance equalities for many protected groups, albeit with a small disadvantage noted for those solely reliant on motor vehicles for transport. On balance, the scheme is considered to promote equality of opportunity among protected groups.
Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, Haringey Council has a ‘network management duty’ under section 16 in its capacity as local traffic authority. In simple terms, the duty is to secure “the expeditious movement of traffic including pedestrians on the authority's road network”.
A high-level transport assessment was prepared for the Bounds Green LTN which predicted a reduction in motorised vehicular traffic within the proposed Bounds Green LTN area and slight to moderate potential increases in traffic on some boundary roads (0-25%). However, it should be noted this is only a prediction and was based on the worst-case assumption that all motorised vehicular traffic reassigns to the nearest available route and assuming the boundary roads are able to accommodate additional motorised vehicular traffic. Early reviews by Sustrans of 6 trial LTNs across London have shown a general reduction in traffic over time within the LTNs with a mixed picture for the boundary roads. It is only possible to accurately understand impacts of the proposals on the highway network once the scheme is in place. The scheme is proposed to be implemented on a trial basis, supported by a comprehensive monitoring programme covering traffic flows, bus journey times, emergency response times, and air quality. It should be noted that ‘traffic’ includes motorised and non-motorised travel modes and it is considered that the Council would not be in breach of its network management duty in implementing the Bounds Green LTN in its entirety.
A key reason to implement areas A and B of the proposed Bounds Green LTN is to mitigate impacts of the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood LTN which has been implemented directly adjacent within the London Borough of Enfield. The Bounds Green LTN has been designed having regard to the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood LTN and is required to mitigate a range of impacts which are occurring within Haringey due to the adjacent LTN.
Alternative Options Considered
The alternative options available to the Council are:
Option 1: Implement an alternate design for the Bounds Green LTN. Two options were worked up for Community Design Workshops at Engagement Stage 2 but, following community feedback, a third option was worked up and consulted on at Engagement Stage 3. The initial options are discounted because they do not fully take account of community feedback that there should be a greater focus on camera filters as opposed to physical filters.
Option 2: A petition was submitted in respect of Area C of the Bounds Green LTN which advocates an alternative LTN comprising timed cameras closing the area to all through-traffic, including residents, at school times and other peak periods only and only on weekdays. This option is rejected because the consequential change in behaviour could simply be a shift in commuting travel times (i.e. to off-peak), it will not reduce existing levels of non-local through-traffic (i.e. off-peak rat-running) and it does not encourage the shift to walking, cycling and other sustainable modes of transport. Furthermore, there are spikes in traffic flows that occur outside of peak hours which, combined with the timed approach that applies to School Streets, would make general understanding of the hours of operation of any LTN extremely challenging. These factors would inhibit the introduction of any time-based LTN.
Option 3: Implement the Bounds Green LTN in part i.e. do not implement one or more of the three areas within the proposed Bounds Green LTN. It is considered necessary to implement areas A and B of the Bounds Green LTN in order to mitigate impacts of the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood LTN which has been implemented directly adjacent within the London Borough of Enfield. It is also considered necessary to implement area C of the Bounds Green LTN as the roads within this area are being used rather than remaining on Durnsford Road and Bounds Green Road. All roads within area C are accessible from these main roads but this invariably will require passing through the Durnsford Road/Bounds Green Road traffic-signal controlled junction, lengthening journey time.
Option 4: Not to implement an LTN in Bounds Green i.e. ‘Do Nothing’. This option would not mitigate impacts of the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood LTN which has been implemented adjacent to the proposed Bounds Green LTN within the London Borough of Enfield. The Bounds Green LTN has been designed having regard to the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood LTN and is required to mitigate a range of impacts within Haringey. The option to do nothing is discounted as it would not: address the impacts of the adjacent LTN with Enfield and it would not reduce pollution; reduce motor traffic collisions; reduce carbon emissions; reclaim neighbourhood streets for pedestrians and communities; support active travel modes and therefore improved health outcomes; address inequalities with impacts felt disproportionately by those who do not own a car.
Supporting documents: