Agenda item


To consider an application for a new premises licence.


Daliah Barrett, Licensing, introduced the report as set out.  The applicant had applied for and used a number of Temporary Event Notices over the summer period.  The application for the sale of alcohol and late night refreshment.  There were a number of premises locally with 2-3am licenses.


Glen Lake, Applicant Representative, presented the application for a new premises licence.  The applicant did not want to operate into the early hours of the morning.  She had held a DPS licence for five years and not had any issues in managing premises.  The applicant was happy to agree to any conditions put forward.


All parties summed up and the Committee retired to consider their decision.




The Licensing Sub Committee carefully considered the application for a new premises licence for Asabache, Seven Sisters Road, London N15. In considering the application, the Committee took account of the London Borough of Haringey’s Statement of Licensing Policy, the Licensing Act 2003, the Licensing Act 2003 section 182 Guidance, the report pack and the applicant’s and objectors’  representations.


Having considered the application,  the Committee decided to grant the application for a new premises licence with the conditions set out below as follows.


Hours open to the public:


Monday to Sunday              1100 to 0030 hours


            Supply of Alcohol


Monday to Sunday              1100  to 0000 hours


Late Night Refreshment


Monday to Sunday              2300 to 0000 hours


Supply of alcohol for consumption ON  the premises  only



The following conditions  are imposed in addition  to those contained within the operating schedule:


  1. The licence holder is only to permit 5 patrons to smoke outside at any one time.


  1. No patrons shall be permitted to take drinking receptacles, bottles or other containers outside when smoking.


  1. The licence holder is to prevent patrons from congregating directly outside the residential front entrance door on the ground floor  and to erect signage advising patrons not to congregate there.





The Committee gave serious consideration to the submissions by the applicant and to the  concerns raised by the objectors. The Committee was satisfied that the licence should be granted and that the above conditions  were appropriate and proportionate and would ensure that the licensing objectives were promoted.


The premises are in a parade of shops with residential  accommodation above and the Committee was  satisfied that the operating hours and the hours for the licensable  activities were in keeping with nature of the area within which the premises are located.


However, the Committee was  keen to ensure that public nuisance was not caused to nearby residents by  noise or obstruction from customers and appropriate additional  conditions have therefore have been added to the licence to promote the licensing objective of  the prevention of public nuisance.


The Committee noted the conditions proposed in the operating schedule and felt that they, combined with the additional conditions above, were appropriate  and proportionate in promoting the licensing objectives.


The applicant made clear that the sale of alcohol would be limited for consumption on the premises only and that is reflected on the licence.


Appeal Rights


This decision is open to appeal to the Magistrates Court within the period of 21 days beginning on the day upon which the appellant is notified of the decision. This decision does not take effect until the end of the appeal period or, in the event that an appeal has been lodged, until the appeal is dispensed with.



Supporting documents: