Agenda item


To consider any requests received in accordance with Standing Orders.




The Chair informed the Cabinet that she had accepted a petition submitted by Bounds Green residents living in the proposed Bounds Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) C area in relation to the proposed plans for an LTN in the area.




There were two deputations for consideration at the meeting.  


Deputation one


The first deputation was submitted by Vicki Leonard in relation to the petition submitted.  Ms Leonard addressed the Cabinet and stated that the residents who had signed the petition felt that that the scheme had been predetermined, and that this invalidated any consultation carried out as it would not take into account the views of the residents who did not want the scheme implemented.  Ms Leonard noted that the consultation was ongoing and requested that the consultation results outlined in the petition be submitted as part of the consultation process.  She added that Low Traffic Neighbourhoods could not be implemented without the support of the local community.


Councillor Hakata, Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency responded to the deputation.  He advised that it was imperative that local people were engaged with the process and that the Council had gone to unprecedented levels to do this.  The designs for the LTNs were in the process of being co-designed with residents.  Councillor Hakata added that it was important for residents to be involved with the consultation so that they could understand all aspects of the proposals, positive and negative.  All feedback provided would be considered and fed into the final design of the scheme.


A member of the deputation party responded to the Cabinet Member and stated that that that been no co-design whatsoever, nor any requests for residents to be involved in the consultation.  She added that 94% of residents had responded negatively to the proposals and that the implementation of an LTN would lead to residents having to access their homes via busy main roads which had already been impacted by LTNs in the neighbouring borough.


The Cabinet Member advised that he would arrange to meet with the residents and discuss further issues.


The Leader thanked the deputation party for attending the meeting.


Deputation two


The second deputation was submitted by Jacob Secker, accompanied by Chris Houghton, in relation to item 13 – Options for Stapleford North Wing, Broadwater Farm Estate.  Mr Secker requested that the Cabinet reject the proposal to demolish the Stapleford North Wing.  He stated that the consultation was misleading, and his objections related to statements made in the s105 consultation pack, which was not included in the Cabinet papers.  Mr Secker felt that the consultation was misleading and did not give the true picture of the rent increases to be passed on to tenants once the new properties had been built.  He added that if clear information was not provided to residents in regard to rents then they would not be able to vote in a future ballot, as they had not received all of the relevant information.


In response to a question from Councillor das Neves, Mr Secker stated that anyone reading the consultation papers would reach the same conclusion that rents would be equal or equivalent to current rents.


Councillor Gordon, Cabinet Member for House-Building, Place-Making and Development responded to the deputation.  She advised that the decision to be taken was in regard to the north wing of the Stapleford North block, and not the whole block.  She did not believe that residents had been misled and added that officers had worked hard to contact all affected residents.  Residents would be provided with the full landlord offer before the ballot, so would be able to make an informed decision.


The Leader thanked the deputation party for attending and advised the Cabinet that she wished to vary the agenda to take item 13 – Options for Stapleford North Wing, Broadwater Farm Estate as the next item on the agenda.  Cabinet Members agreed to the variation.


Clerks note – the agenda was varied to consider item 13 after item 8.  The minutes follow the order of the agenda.