[Report of the Director for Housing, Regeneration and Planning. To be introduced by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Renewal.]
Following consultation, Cabinet will be asked to agree an amendment to the Council's Allocations Policy to allow for the Neighbourhood Moves Scheme to be applied for new Council homes built or acquired by the Council, allowing Secure Tenants living nearby first priority for these homes.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Renewal introduced the report which set out the Neighbourhood Moves Scheme. This had been consulted on and was put forward for approval. This scheme would provide existing Council tenants priority for new homes that are built in their neighbourhood, in particular those who were living in homes which are too big or too small. The design of the scheme also meant that those on the waiting list would also benefit from new homes with each local tenant moving and releasing an existing home which would be let to those on the waiting list.
The Cabinet Member outlined that this meant building new Council homes, benefiting two households for each new home, and adding to the Council’s overall housing stock for future generations.
The Cabinet Member was pleased to report that there was very strong support for the scheme, with 73% of respondents strongly supporting the policy and a further 23% in favour with some small amendments.
The Cabinet Member reiterated that the Council were committed to building a new generation of Council homes, and this programme is well underway, with sites for potential new Council housing identified across the whole borough. The Council wanted to use this opportunity to strengthen local communities, and to ensure that households who are not adequately housed could live in homes which met their needs.
In response to a question from Cllr Tucker, the Cabinet Member confirmed that existing tenants keep their secure tenancies and remain on Council target rents.
1. To note the Equalities Impact Assessment at Appendix 1.
2. To note the consultation results attached in a full report at Appendix 2.
3. To approve the alterations to the Housing Allocations Policy attached at Appendix 3 and the Neighbourhood Moves Scheme attached at Appendix 4 which will be attached to the Housing Allocations Policy.
Reasons for decision
The proposed changes are informed by the results of a consultation with those who would be affected by the proposals. The Neighbourhood Moves Scheme seeks to address over-crowding by releasing larger family homes which are under-occupied and by allowing over-crowded households to move locally. It will also ensure that local secure Council tenants who have been affected by building works are given the opportunity to benefit from new homes built near them, and support community cohesion.
Alternative options considered.
Not to make any changes to the draft Neighbourhood Moves Scheme following the consultation: this option was rejected since consultees had strong views on some aspects of the draft Neighbourhood Moves Scheme which were able to be incorporated into the final Neighbourhood Moves Scheme.
To make other changes to the draft Neighbourhood Moves Scheme following the consultation: other changes could have been made; a full discussion of the changes proposed and those considered but not adopted can be found in this report and in Appendix 2.
To not adopt the Neighbourhood Moves Scheme: this was rejected since the consultation showed strong support for the Neighbourhood Moves Scheme and the implementation of the Scheme will help the Council make best use of its housing stock and promote community cohesion.
Supporting documents: