Agenda item

BREXIT - Implications for the Borough


The Committee received a report which provided an update on the potential implications of Brexit on the Borough. The report was introduced by Jean Taylor, Head of Policy as set out in the agenda pack at pages 65-80 of the agenda pack. The following arose during the discussion of this item:

a.    In response to a question around the level of digital support in place, officers acknowledged the importance of tacking a digital deficit and advised that one of the key areas of digital support was around supporting those applying for settled status through an online process, particularly around access and then providing proof of status.

b.    In response to a further question, officers advised that they were happy that there were sufficient links into different communities in the borough, with assistance from the BRT and that barriers to information and advice had been removed.

c.    In relation to Paragraph 2.12 of the report and the point around recruitment of international social workers, the Committee requested further information on this and whether there was a particular shortage of social workers (as opposed to social care workers). The Head of Policy agreed to take this away and provide a response. (Action: Jean Taylor).

d.    In response to a question, officers advised that they were disappointed not to secure funding for assisting with settled status applications but advised that internal resources would be redirected to support this role.

e.    The Committee sought clarification around the finance sensitivity analysis referred to in the report, officers acknowledged that this was over a year old and was not suitable to be shared widely. The document  was more a piece of modelling, rather than in-depth analysis.

f.     The Committee sought further information around which areas of staffing within the Council were affected/particularly at risk because of Brexit. The Head of Policy agreed to come back with a written response on this point. (Action: Jean Taylor).


*21:50: Clerk’s note – As per Committee Standing Order 63, the Committee agreed to suspend Committee Standing Order 18 and to continue the meeting past 22:00 hours.*


g.    In response to a question around supply chain issues as a result of Brexit and in particular for PPE, officers advised that they were not aware of any particular risks on this issue and that work was ongoing across different areas of the organisation to ensure that there was an ongoing supply of PPE.

h.    The Head of Policy agreed to provide an update at the next meeting in relation to a query about the value of contracts due to expire 2021. (Action: Jean Taylor).

i.      The Committee sought further information about the impact of Brexit on regeneration schemes, particularly in relation to anecdotal accounts that developers were getting rid of housing stock and how this reflected on current market conditions. The Head of Policy agreed to include information on this in the next update to the Committee. (Action: Jean Taylor).

j.      In relation to a request for clarification around the officer group responsible for managing the risk register, officers advised that this was a legacy group bringing together work steam leads and overseen by the Chief Executive. This function was now managed by the Council’s Covid-19 Gold meetings, chaired by the Chief Executive and attended by the Leader.




That the Committee considered the update and noted the risks and the updated Brexit risk register.

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