Agenda item


To consider any requests received in accordance with Part 4, Section B, paragraph 29 of the Council’s constitution.


Sarah Klymkiw presented deputation to O&S on the 23rd of November and outlined the following.

Leaseholders advised by Council to be patient and to pursue payment plans which are flexible and can be relinquished.  The leaseholders were offered 25 years to pay the debt or to resolve the remaining payment when selling property.  So far there had been no conversations about alternatives to the Pods.

As of the evening of the 23rd of November, the leaseholders had yet to receive a response to their section 20 observation legal letter.

After speaking at full Council, the Leader had written to the deputation to advise that the December decision on the Noel Park Pods had been delayed until 19th January 2021.  There had not been a confirmation of continuing meetings with the leaseholders. The leaseholders had been promised a further programme of engagement which suggested a series of meetings. The leaseholders wanted this to be a continuing dialogue and to present their case and be listened to.

In response to questions, the deputation provided the following information:

  • Further to acknowledging the shocking notices and letters received by the leaseholders and highlighting the need to save on the cost of temporary housing of leaseholders, the deputation was asked about the red line in terms of the brick extensions. The deputation believed that there were three alternative options to the Pod and one of those was not to have a Pod at all.  In the 1970’s residents were asked by the Council to have a choice in having a Pod and at least five flats had refused. Therefore, it was known that there could be a solution without a Pod.  The second option was a brick-built extension, and the current cost was not known. However,  in 2015 a study was completed which showed that a  brick built extension would cost the same as a replacement Pod of around £25k. The option of the rebuilt brick extension was not taken forward as it meant rehousing tenants. However, the deputation were aware that when works were being done on Noel Park estate, tenants were being moved and felt that this option should be offered to Gladstone Avenue tenants  to be rehoused whilst the work is completed. It was not fully known how long these works would take and timescales of 3 months and 6 months was suggested and so this part of the proposal would be incomplete. The third option would be to re-clad the existing Pods and remove the asbestos. The deputation contended that this was being done to other properties in Noel Park. This would cost less than a new Pod, around £20k for a double pod and £10k for a single pod.  This was another viable option the leaseholders felt could be put forward to tenants.
  • The cost of decanting residents was too high when the brick-built extensions were £25k in 2015. The deputation questioned that given the cost of the replacement Pods had now doubled, it was likely to be more cost effective to decant residents and have a brick-built extension. At the time this was discussed, it was envisaged that the works would be between 6 weeks and 3 months and not the longer period now suggested. However, there was not enough information provided on these possibilities and there had not been any real consultation with residents in the past on these options.
  • The deputation spoke about their shock of receiving a section 20 notice and payment demand. A number of leaseholders negatively impacted by the pandemic through loss of work, furlough, redundancies. Leaseholders were faced with uncertainty and unknown bills for payment. Also, there was the added anxiety that the bills received later on could be even higher. The deputation had received a bill for £108, 450 which automatically caused significant anxiety alongside  trying to learn Council processes and understand how to appeal against this situation, talking to strangers  to  ask them to care about the situation was  overwhelming.


  • The final bill for the works may not be received until 2022 by leaseholders and this was also impacting on life choices.  The leaseholders also knowing that there could be an alternative way and these suggestions/ proposals not being taken forward was upsetting.
  • The co-opted member suggested the deputation seeking a report from Homes for Haringey which was drafted in the 1970’s when the Pods were added, and which provided the reasoning and logistics on this decision.
  • The deputation spoke for herself and her Pod which was fine, as far as she was aware,  but referred to Leaders comments on safety of the  Pods at full Council and questioned if  Homes for Haringey  had an understanding of the condition of the  Pods on Noel Park.


The Chair added that there was a mixed picture in relation to the conditions of the Pods.

The deputation felt that leaseholders was not being listened to by Homes for Haringey, the only option being offered was payment plan options.


The deputation expressed their constant feeling of frustration, despair, and anger, and felt the Cabinet should fully consider the impact of the decision on leaseholders which will cause financial ruin for some leaseholders and their families. The deputation spoke about having a wider view about equal improvement of life chances and making sure that by benefiting the life chances of some people, it was not ruining the life chances of others.

The deputation wanted the Cabinet decision in January to be delayed, allowing more time for consultation and dialogue.


The Chair moved to a recommendation that this issue is sent back to the Housing and Regeneration Panel and compile some recommendations to go forward to Cabinet.  The Chair advised that it would be perhaps better to move the decision from the January Cabinet to allow opportunity for options to be explored.

The Leader outlined that a report was planned for January Cabinet and expressed that he has misspoken about the safety aspect of the Pods at full Council.