Motion A
Proposer: Cllr Ejiofor
Seconder: Cllr Amin
The government’s response to the Covid-19
crisis has been characterised by incompetence and a lack of
The government’s response to the Covid-19
crisis has been characterised by incompetence and a lack of
Boris Johnson’s government has overseen a
catalogue of errors. From going against the advice of their own
scientific advisors and refusing to implement an urgent circuit
breaker lockdown, to their failure to deliver effective testing and
tracing and refusing to extend Free School Meals, the government
endangered the lives and livelihoods of every Haringey
People in Haringey and across the country have
played their part in helping to control the spread of Covid-19 and
gone to extraordinary lengths to help those in need their
communities. It’s unacceptable that residents have made such
tremendous sacrifices while the government has been willing to do
so little – not even ensuring that the lockdown restrictions
apply to its own advisers.
National government’s inaction, their failure
to learn from the first wave, and their failure to listen to the
needs of citizens has forced less well equipped and less well
funded organisations, institutions, and individuals to step up.
We’ve all been let down badly, and the time for the
government to step up and take responsibility is well
In order to mitigate the effects of a second wave,
this council endorses the Leader of the Council writing a letter to
the Prime Minister and Secretary of State to demand that they take
the following actions:
Extra support for the most
A winter support package to address
immediate need including food poverty, mental health services, and
extra support for communities disproportionately impacted in the
first wave.
A shielding support package to allow
local authorities to support those most in need.
A £20 increase to Universal
Credit and other legacy benefits to combat fuel poverty, and an
extension of Free School Meals to cover the Christmas, February
half term and Easter holidays.
An immediate suspension of benefit
sanctions to prevent the punitive removal of benefits which are
essential to keeping families and children out of
- Financial
certainty for local authoritiesin
2020/21 and 2021/22. Many Councils are going into this
second wave with large budget deficits from first wave. Johnson,
Sunak and Jenrick must keep to their
word, and the government must deliver full funding
for Haringey and, indeed, all local authorities, including
reimbursement of lost income, so we can fully fund all of these
essential requests, continue to support our residents and
confidently deliver the key and vital services that our residents
rely on. Furthermore, the government should ensure full and fair
funding of Transport for London, so that the implications of lower
fair income due to this pandemic are not passed on to
Haringey’s Council Tax payers.
- Safe and secure
Extension of the ban on evictions, and
a return to ‘Everyone In’ rough sleeping policy to at
least the end of March 2021.
Suspend No Recourse to Public Funds so
all those facing hardship have the support they need.
- Protect incomes
and employment.
Ensure that, with the recent extension
of the furlough scheme until March 20201, no-one’s income
will fall below the national minimum wage.
Introduce a new duty on employers to
ensure they can’t prevent employees from following the advice
to self-isolate: no worker should have to choose between their job
and their health.
Provide clear and unambiguous guidance
for those at risk of contracting Coronavirus about their employment
- Take urgent and
immediate action to improve and localise Test and
Trace. There should be a staged transfer
of Test and Trace funding and responsibility to local government,
with local councils able to direct testing in their area including
rapid expansion of testing for key workers.
- Fully fund an
emergency support package for hardest hit sectors
including culture, leisure, arts, sport and
hospitality, with a particular consideration of the Small business
sector. Furthermore, the government must provide the funds to fully
reimburse employers for the full pay of any worker who must
self-isolate due to covid-19.
- A commitment to
work with all Councils as leaders in our
Regular and open communication with all
Council leaders and local Council Associations like London
Transparency on the criteria by which
future decisions on restrictions will be made, including how we
de-escalate from these restrictions and determine the Tiers into
which Local Authorities are placed at the end of this lockdown
period, and who will make that decision.
- Greater support
for local authorities’ enforcement role,
with stronger and easier to use powers to tackle
premises that do not operate safely. Fund more police capacity to
support local authorities with enforcement action.
Motion B
Proposer: Cllr
Seconder: Cllr
participation in cycling
Council notes:
- That the Walking and
Cycling Commissioner for London has stated that “More
people cycling frees up space on overcrowded buses and trains. It
makes our air cleaner. It gives everyone the chance to get around
London quickly and affordably. It improves our mental and physical
health. It makes our high streets and public places more vibrant.
Making it easier to cycle means our city will be a better place to
live, to work, to invest in, to raise children in.”
- That
data from TfL shows that, prior to the spring lockdown, there
were an average 4.6 million daily car trips in London, and of
these, 35% (1.6 million) were journeys of under 2km (1.2
- That a survey of 16,923 residents
across 12 UK cities by
NatCen found that 28% “do not
cycle but would like to”.
This number rose to 55% amongst people from ethnic minority
groups, 38% for people at risk of deprivation, 36% for women, and
31% for people with disabilities and that safety concerns were
particularly acute amongst these groups.
- That between February and June of
this year, the distance
travelled by Lime electric bikes increased by 129% across
London, and by 253% on roads where new bike lines were constructed
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- That TfL
records show that in 2019 there were 126 cyclist casualties on
roads in Haringey, a 17% increase on the previous year, and the
second highest number across all Outer London boroughs.
- That the Council’s LIP
concedes that “the borough lacks a coherent cycle network,
reducing the ability for people to partake in active
- That
DfT guidance on Cycle Infrastructure
design says that “light segregation adds some
protection to a mandatory cycle lane. It can be installed
relatively cheaply, for example when routine maintenance and
general highway improvements are being carried out.”
- That since April 2020, the Council
has utilised funding from the Department for Transport to install a
number of supposedly segregated cycle lanes, which are in fact only
divided from motor traffic by “mini orcas” which can be
easily driven over, and
DfT guidance states “can
present a tripping hazard to pedestrians and should not therefore
be used on pedestrian desire lines.”
- That the
vehicle miles travelled on Haringey’s roads has increased
by a third since 2010.
- That a modal shift towards cycling,
along with other forms of active travel, has enormous potential to
improve the wellbeing of Haringey residents, improve the
borough’s air quality, and reduce the number of vehicles on
the borough’s roads.
- That these benefits not only accrue
to cyclists but to the community as a whole.
- That as a local authority Haringey
should do all it can to promote walking and cycling for the
following reasons:
- There is “clear
evidence” that segregated routes lead to significant
reductions in deaths and serious injuries.
- The impact of obesity and inactivity
leads to its own epidemic of disease.
- The fact that road pollution is the
“principle source” in the capital of toxic air that
causes the early deaths of thousands of Londoners every year.
- The impact on reducing climate
- The negative impact of people being
unwilling to spend time outside in heavily trafficked
- That Haringey has failed to deliver
adequate safe, segregated cycling infrastructure to date.
- That this failure has likely
prevented many of the Borough’s residents from cycling
despite their wish to do so. It seems likely that this will be
especially so for people from the groups mentioned in Council notes
- That
there must be a fresh focus on ensuring that any Haringey resident
who want to cycle feel, and are, safe doing so.
- To immediately roll out temporary
cycle lanes on main roads in accordance with the priority routes as
set out in Haringey’s draft walking and cycling action plan,
so as to ensure the safe movement of people during the current
Covid-19 pandemic
- To increase the provision of
segregated cycle lane in the borough by 30% year on year for the
next three years, measured in kilometres across the borough, at
which point a new target will be set by Council.
- That all future cycle routes in the
Borough should abide by the key design principals set out in the
DfT’s “Gear
Change: A Bold Vision for Cycling and Walking” that:
- Cyclists must be separated from
volume traffic, both at junctions and on the stretches of road
between them.
- Cyclists must be separated from
- Cyclists must be treated as
vehicles, not pedestrians.
- Routes must join together; isolated
stretches of good provision are of little value
- Routes must feel direct, logical and
be intuitively understandable by all road users;
- Routes and schemes must take account
of how users actually behave;
- Purely cosmetic alterations should
be avoided.
- Routes should be designed only by
those who have experienced the road on a cycle.
- That all future cycle routes in the
Borough must be properly segregated from motor traffic and that
neither visual markings nor ‘orcas/mini-orcas’ provide
this. Henceforth, a form of segregation at least as robust as
flexible “wands” should be considered a baseline
- To create a new all-party working
group of councillors and officers to push forward the delivery of
cycling infrastructure across the borough, and ensure that any
future schemes abide by the key principles as set out above.
- To create a Quality Review Panel for
Cycling involving cycling professionals and organisations that
would be consulted in an official capacity on all future cycling
infrastructure, with any recommendations of the panel incorporated
into infrastructure designs.
- To create a new outreach group to
engage groups that have traditionally cycled less to ensure the
Council is making effective efforts to increase their access to
cycling through training, access to equipment/facilities, sign
posting to safe routes etc, so that
behavioural change is encouraged with all residents, not just those
predisposed to cycling.
- To work with bike hire providers,
other boroughs and/or the Mayor of London, to bring a publicly
accessible trial electric-bike hire provision to Haringey by
November 2021.
- That by May 2021, reports should be
brought to Cabinet:
Assessing existing cycle routes to see if they fulfil the standards
set out in the resolutions #1 and #2 and detailing an action plan
for resolving these deficiencies.
Detailing an action plan to reallocate enough road space, currently
used for motor vehicle parking, so that it is repurposed for
‘cycle corrals’ or bike hangars to ensure that it is as
easy to securely a park as a car.
Set out how Haringey can move towards a ’15-minute
city’ model where everyone can reach the bulk of the
facilities they use on a regular basis within a quarter of an
hour’s safe travel by active transport.