Agenda item

Car Park Charging Proposals

To approve the recommendations to implement a cark park charging scheme at Alexandra Palace.


Louise Stewart, Chief Executive, introduced the report as set out.


The Board noted:


The feedback from the Statutory Advisory Committee (SAC) and Consultative Committee (CC) which was included in the meeting documents pack, including: 

-           Affordability – parking fees should be kept as low as possible to not disadvantage any particular user groups.

-           Impact – of the scheme on surrounding roads should be monitored and mitigated.


That the advice from the SAC & CC aligned with the Board’s key priorities as outlined within the initial consultation documents and in the final proposals.


That during the Covid-19 pandemic the Trust introduced the ‘donate to park’ scheme to support the daily operational costs of its car parks, which had not resulted in displacement of visitor parking on to surrounding streets.  Income from the car park charging scheme would cover the costs of operation, and contribute to the furtherance of the charity’s objectives. The infrastructure such as ANPR and potential increase of CCTV coverage will have secondary benefits such as improved site-safety and reduced ASB, which may help to reduce the costs of managing the site. 


That the Council had advised prior to the meeting that they were satisfied with the Equality Impact Assessment conducted by the Trust (included at appendix G) the Trust will continue to monitor the impact once the scheme was implemented.


The following was noted in response to the Board’s questions:

-           Feedback from the Charity Commission had not yet been received.

-           Analysis demonstrated that a disproportionate number of survey responses were from people who lived in surrounding streets.  Some responses received did not accept that the Charity should charge a fee for parking and that the Charity should seek additional income elsewhere.

-           The SAC & CC, however, had recognised the Charity’s need to raise funds and that the general public were used to paying for parking and supported the proposals. 

-           In response to the suggestion that parking should be free on Bank Holidays, LS explained that the Trust will have the ability to decide charge free days if it chooses

but advised the Board against stipulating this as part of any resolution this evening as detailed thinking was required around managing free parking on Bank Holidays, which are often times of increased demand, increased ASB and therefore costs to the Trust.

-           Dialogue had taken place specifically with Hornsey and Alexandra Ward Cllrs.

-           Hornsey ward councillors had been particularly supportive about the information published by the Trust and, whilst they were not overly concerned with the impact on surrounding roads they recognised that some local people were concerned about this.

-           A board member emphasised that commuters caused more problems in the surrounding roads than Park and Palace visitors and that the recommendations before the Board would bring in much needed funds and also assist with managing antisocial behaviour.

-           User groups would not be further consulted but, if the scheme was implemented, their feedback would be taken into account, as part of an annual review.


The Board’s discussion also included:

-           the future of the parking bays along Alexandra Palace Way;

-           cycle routes

-           the Trust’s responsibility to fund maintenance of the road, which is used as a through route by thousands of  cars each week;

-           changing modes of travel


The Board was keen to ensure the SAC/CC’s concerns were taken into account, particularly the advice around ensuring particular groups were not impacted by affordability.  The Board noted its duty as charity trustees to ensure that the Park and Palace remained accessible to the public and that it was in the Board’s power to ensure any increase to the tariff came before the Board.




i.        To approve, subject to feedback from the Charity Commission, the implementation of the proposed car park charging scheme at Alexandra Palace, in accordance with the proposed tariffs set out on page 4 of Appendix D and the User Group Assessment Summary in Appendix F, and;


ii.       To proceed with a formal application to the Charity Commission for an Order under section 105 Charities Act 2011 (“Section 105”) to authorise implementation of reasonable parking charges for motorised vehicles at Alexandra Park and Palace (the “Grounds”), and;


iii.      That any plans to increase the tariffs should be brought before the Trustee Board for consideration.

Supporting documents: