Agenda item

New items of urgent business

To consider any new items of urgent business admitted at item 4 above.


Siobhan Harrington, Chief Executive of Whittington Health NHS Trust, provided the Board an update on the Whittington Estates Strategy. The following points were noted:


  • Over the last 12 months the Whittington Health NHS Trust (the Trust) had sufficient capital in order refurbish some of its community sites. Additionally, the Trust had built a second obstetric theatre, refurbished the maternity ward, demolished the Waterlow Unit and were making progress to establish a Mental Health Unit on the Whittington site.


  • Last month the Estate Strategy was approved. The Estates Strategy had been developed through engagement with local people, the Trust staff members, and the Estate working group in Haringey and Islington, known as the Estates Forum. The Trust were undertaking further engagement following the approval of the Board. It was noted that the Bridge Renewal Trust had supported the Trust by holding a public engagement event on 11th February around the Estates Strategy. 


  • The Estates Strategy was a ten-year strategy and consisted of three phases, as follows:


                      i.        The first phase was concerned around the need to build a new maternity and neonatal unit. This phase entailed partnership work across the Health and Wellbeing Board to explore the creation of fit for purpose co-located buildings and building an Education Centre.


                    ii.        Phase two involved looking at the location of children services within the community. This phase also included the development of staff accommodation, and there was consideration of a primary care facility on the Whittington site. The Board were assured that the Trust would not close the emergency department.


                   iii.        The final point highlighted was the need to explore how wards and theatres could be reconfigured over time.  


  • The Trust were continuing with the engagement process. It was highlighted that partnership engagement with the community in relation to the Strategy was important, and the Board were encouraged to be involved in the engagement process. It was noted that the Trust were working broadly with the Greater London Authority.


In response to a query by the Chair around future dates for engagement activities, the Chief Executive of Whittington Health NHS Trust informed that she would forward dates to the Chair to be circulated to the Board (Action: Siobhan Harrington). It was noted that the Estate Strategy could be found on the Trust’s webpage for it to be viewed by the public.


Geoffrey Ocen, Chief Executive of Bridge Renewal Trust, informed the Board that the previous night there was a focus group discussion on the Estate Strategy. It was noted that future focus groups on the Estate Strategy would be held on 24th February at 3pm for the east of the Borough at Chesnut, and on 27th February at 10.30am for the west of the Borough. 


In terms of engagement, it was brought to the attention of the Board by Tony Hoolaghan, Chief Operating Officer CCG, that there was due to be a meeting of governing bodies of Haringey’s CCG in the afternoon of 13th February at the Cypriot Centre.


The Chair thanked the Chief Executive of Whittington Health NHS Trust for providing the update.