Agenda item

Application by Manning's Amusements Ltd to hire Finsbury Park for a family funfair in April 2019 and Bruce Castle Park in June/July 2019

This report seeks a determination of two applications made by Manning’s Amusements Ltd to hire (1) Finsbury Park in order to stage a family funfair between 6th and 23rd April 2019 and (2) Bruce Castle Park in order to stage a family funfair between 28th June and 7th July 2019.


The applications are required to be determined pursuant to the Council’s Outdoor Events Policy (the Policy), which was approved by Cabinet on 17th December 2013, and implemented on 7th January 2014.


Approval was sought for the hire of Finsbury Park to Manning’s Amusements Ltd for a family funfair to take place between 6th and 23rd April 2019; as well as the hire of Bruce Castle Park, also for a family funfair, between 28th June and 7th July 2019. Cabinet Member approval was required because of the length of the proposed hire agreement, as per the Council’s Outdoor Events Policy.

The Cabinet Member sought assurances around the impact of the events, particularly in relation to Bruce Castle Park which was significantly smaller and had limited fencing. In response, officers advised that the event in Bruce Castle Park covered only a small area of the park and did not involve any of the pathways within the park. Officers advised that there were no access issues envisaged with the proposed hire of Bruce Castle Park.

Officers acknowledged that the event in Finsbury Park covered a larger area and could have an impact on the grass within the designated area. The Cabinet Member was advised that the extent of the impact would be largely dependent upon the weather. Officers reassured the Cabinet Member that any restoration works to re-establish the grass would be paid for by the Applicant as per the park hire terms and conditions, and that a refundable grounds deposit would be taken from the event organisers for both sites.

The Cabinet Member sought clarification around visitor numbers and the expected increase as a result of these events. In response, officers advised that they anticipated an increase in numbers to average out at around 1000 per day and would have a limited impact on the two locations. Officers advised that there was enough space within the remaining areas of the park for other park users to enjoy and that there was no capacity concerns anticipated as result of holding the two events.



That Cabinet Member for Environment:


             I.        Noted that no comments were received from recognised stakeholders of either Finsbury Park or Bruce Castle Park in response to the event notifications being sent as part of the decision making process.


            II.        Authorised the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, to approve conditional in principle agreement to hire Finsbury Park and Bruce Castle Park to the funfair operator for the events detailed in this report as set out in paragraph 6.5 of the report.


Reasons for decision


Under the terms of the Policy, applications of the type detailed in the report are required to be determined with the prior agreement of the Cabinet Member. 


If authority is given, then officers will give in principle agreement to the Applicant for the event application to progress. The events will then be subject to discussions between the Applicant and the Council before final agreement is given.


The rejection of the applications would have implications for the Parks Service budget and reduce the opportunity for reinvestment into both Finsbury Park and Bruce Castle Park. It would also mean that the wider cultural and economic benefits to the borough were lost.


Alternative options considered


In adopting the Policy, the Council established its commitment to using both parks for a limited number of funfairs and circuses each year.  Accordingly, the only other alternative option which could be considered would be to reject the applications. That option was rejected, on the grounds that the events did not fall within any of the grounds set out in paragraph 5.3 of the Policy for automatic refusal.


Supporting documents: