Agenda item

Q3 Performance Update


The Committee received a performance report which covered the latest data available as at December 2018. As part of the new Borough Plan, there is a performance framework to track progress against the objectives and targets set out in the delivery plans. The intention was to start measuring against the outcomes and measures set out in the new framework from a baseline from April 2019. The report was introduced by Charlotte Pomery, AD for Commissioning as set out in the agenda pack at pages 99-105. The Committee also received a handout which set out a refreshed set of priority performance dashboards for the new Borough Plan.   The following was noted in discussion of the report and the accompanying hand-out:

a.    In response to concerns raised about funding reductions for early years interventions, officers advised that the performance indictor related to 0-5 year olds. The saving in question related to a top-up offered to the funded offer for two year olds through the DSG. Officers advised that further work was being done to minimise the impact. 

b.    The Committee raised concerns with the priorities identified in the Adults priority dashboard and the fact there seemed to be significant overlap between the CCG, NHSE and Council priorities. The Chair of the Adults Panel suggested that this could make it difficult to monitor Council performance on its own. In response, officers emphasised that the outcomes and priorities were designed to reflect that it was a Borough Plan rather than just a Council plan. The indictors were designed to demonstrate wider outcomes.  Officers advised that a number of statutory adult social care indictors would continue to be monitored as part of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework and that it may be the case that the A&H Panel wish to monitor these.

c.    The Chair commented that Council needed to be clear about which set of indicators it could expect OSC to utilise to scrutinise performance. The Chair also emphasised the need for individual Panels to be given the opportunity to monitor the performance framework.

d.    In response to a question around delayed transfers of care, officers advised that the rate was reducing and the Council was working closely with BEH MHT, the Whittington and North Middlesex to improve this and was also working on its discharge to assess process.

e.    The Committee sought clarification about whether the Decent Homes performance was inclusive of the additional funding announced and queried whether the Council should be more ambitious with its 95% target. In response, officers agreed to come to the Committee with a response. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).

f.     The Committee raised concerns about the impact of the decant of Tangmere and Northolt blocks on performance around Temporary Accommodation and queried whether the given performance target was realistic. In response, officers advised that a lot of work had been done to map the trajectory of Temporary Accommodation as well as the impact of the introduction of the Homelessness Reduction Act. Officers agreed to come back to the Committee with some further details on how the performance indictor was calculated. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).

g.    In response to a query about how Scrutiny could get involved in developing the priority dashboards, officers welcomed any input and set out that Scrutiny could have a potentially significant role in developing the delivery plans for the Borough Plan. The Chair emphasised the need for each of the Panels to have an opportunity to feed into the wider process and suggested that there should be a separate session on this with OSC Members. The Chair agreed to speak to AD Commissioning to set this up.  (Action: Cllr Das Neves).




That the following be noted:  

 I.      That progress made against the delivery of the priorities and targets of the Corporate Plan, Building a Stronger Haringey Together at this point in the 18/19 year.

II.       That measuring progress against the new Borough Plan outcomes will start from a baseline set as at April 2019, with continued reporting to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the end of Quarter 1 2019/2020 against the new measures.


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