Agenda item

Cabinet Member Q&A

An opportunity to question the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health, Cllr Sarah James, on developments within her portfolio.



Cllr Sarah James, Cabinet Member for Adults & Health, addressed the panel noting that she had only been in the post for a very short time but had received some very useful briefings from officers, had met with social care groups and had various meetings in the diary including with the CCG and with the Chair of Healthwatch, Sharon Grant.

Cllr James, Beverley Tarka, Director of Adults & Health, and Charlotte Pomery, Assistant Director for Commissioning, responded to questions from the Panel:

  • Cllr James confirmed that she would be happy to visit Osborne Grove Nursing Home soon. Beverley Tarka said that the 2018/19 budget for Osborne Grove was just over £1m but there is a projected overspend of £700k, so a total projected spend of £1.7m. On reducing staffing costs based on the low number of current residents, Beverley Tarka said that the Council’s primary aim is to safeguard the residents and provide quality care. There are plans to consolidate the residents into one unit within Osborne Grove, as they are currently situated over three levels. This will enable greater management oversight and the staffing ratio is being assessed. On whether residents might receive better care by being moved elsewhere, Cllr James reiterated that the Cabinet had previously committed to retain Osborne Grove for the remaining residents and that this remains unchanged. The consolidation into one unit should help to alleviate immediate issues and work is ongoing with the co-design group over the redevelopment. Charlotte Pomery said that a design team had been appointed to carry out a feasibility study and is due to meet the co-design group on 5th Feb. In relation to a query from the OSC on their fire safety review, it was confirmed that residents in Osborne Grove are currently located on different floors, hence the move to consolidate residents into one unit on the ground floor. Cllr Connor said that she would pass this information to OSC (Action – Cllr Connor).
  • Cllr James confirmed that there has been one meeting of the Adults & Social Care Review so far and that the terms of reference have been agreed. On the three day centres that could potentially be brought back into use (Haven/Roundway/Woodside) Charlotte Pomery there had been no change in the position since the budget scrutiny meeting. No decision has been taken on the providers, how large the units would be or the range of services that would be available but the aim would be to bring the units back into use and bring service users that were currently having to travel out of borough back into Haringey. The approach on these matters generally had been one of co-design so officers would work with a group of stakeholders. Cllr James said that there would be up to four Councillors involved in this process but it shouldn’t be Councillor dominated as it would be important to also include carers, services users and other stakeholders.
  • Beverley Tarka and John Everson said that anyone subject to a care assessment can receive a copy of the care assessment and the outcomes that have been mutually agreed. Any concerns could be escalated as appropriate.