Agenda item


To approve the minutes of the previous meeting on 16th October 2018.


 The Committee were advised that the Council had been successful in a bid to the Mayor’s Fund to establish a detached youth work team and to set up youth work apprenticeships. The Cabinet Member advised that a briefing to all Members would be provided on this. (Action: Cllr M. Blake).


The Panel were also advised that the Tottenham Futures project had secured funding from the Big Lottery Fund, which would ensure its continuation for at least three years.


Public consultation was underway with the Young People at Risk Strategy, due to be approved by Cabinet in March 2019. The Cabinet Member advised that he was looking to speak to some of the young people interviewed by the Godwin Lawson Foundation, as part of their report on Youth at Risk,  as part of the wider engagement process for the Young People at Risk Strategy.


The Panel noted that a launch event to establish a foundation for Tanesha Melbourne-Blake was due to take place on 20th December at Bruce Grove.


The Cabinet Member advised the Panel that a number of recent incidents had taken place in and around Wood Green. The Cabinet Member advised that this would feed into the ongoing work around Wood Green and efforts to establish a youth hub in the area. Members of the Panel sought clarification on the details of the proposals for a youth hub and how this would differ from previous proposals for a youth zone in Woodside.


In response to a request for an update on the Gangs Matrix, the Cabinet Member advised that he was part of an external reference group which met with Police and MOPAC colleagues. The group received a report from the Information Commissioner’s Office which was highly critical of the Metropolitan Police. A response to that report was due from the Police as the next step. The Cabinet Member noted some concerns about the mapping process for the Gangs Matrix and that this was less successful than a similar process for community supervision of prisoners on licence.


The Panel requested further information in relation to apprenticeships and sought assurances about when a paper would be brought back to the Committee. The Panel also raised concerns with the recent incident outside the Vue cinema in Wood Green and requested that further information be provided. The Panel suggested that more work needed to be done to understand the reasons for the perceived increase in these type of incidents. The Panel also requested further information on the youth hub, including whether there would be a catchment area and what could be done to overcome postcode barriers. The Cabinet Member agreed to bring a presentation to the next meeting to update the Panel on the above issues raised in relation to young people.  (Action: Cllr M Blake/Clerk). 


In relation to the previous minutes, the Panel chased an update on CS1 and also around the ‘bus stop border’ near the corner of Wightman Road and Turnpike Lane. (Action: Clerk).


The Panel requested further information in relation to the alternative savings considered as a result of the shortfall in achieving income targets for bulk waste. In response, officers advised that for some of the recycling rates that Veolia did not achieve, the money was used to cross-subsidise some of the issues on bulk waste. Officers advised that the budget item later in the agenda would look at how the Council could develop and refine this for the coming municipal year. 




     I.        That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th October 2018 be agreed as a correct record.



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