Agenda item

Performance update - Q2


*Clerk’s note – The Chair advised that the agenda would be amended so that the performance report would be taken before the Budget Scrutiny Timetable report. The minutes follow the order in which items were taken at the meeting, rather than the order they were published on the agenda.*


The Committee received a performance report which set out performance against the outcomes and strategic priorities in the Corporate Plan 2015-18. Updates reflected the latest data available as at September 2018. The report was introduced by Charlotte Pomery, AD for Commissioning. The Chair suggested that Panel Chairs could pick up items specific to their area outside of the meeting. The following arose from the discussion of the presentation:

a.    The new Borough Plan was being developed and as part of that process there would be a new performance framework developed.

b.    The Committee raised concerns with the target for the number of affordable homes built and suggested that the vast majority related to shared ownership.

c.    The Committee also expressed concern with the number of young people supported into apprenticeships. The Committee commented that the reasons for underperformance seemed to suggest the young people were at fault and should instead reflect why the Council were unable to support them. In response, officers acknowledged these concerns and advised that the definitions were set in 2015 but would be revised as part of the new Borough Plan.

d.    The AD for Commissioning agreed to come back to the Committee with what constituted an acceptable level of litter. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).

e.    The Committee expressed concerns that the performance figures seemed to suggest that 20% of Council tenants lived in non-decent homes. The AD for Commissioning agreed to come back to the Committee with further details on this. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).

f.     In response to a question about how the numbers for rough sleepers were compiled, officers advised that surveys were undertaken of the number of people sleeping rough on a designated day. There was a count day scheduled for 28th November.

g.    The Committee sought reassurance about how joined up services were, in relation to rough sleepers, on a pan-London basis. In response, officers advised that Haringey worked closely with Islington and the Police in and around Finsbury Park. In addition, Finsbury Park and Stroud Green was the first place chosen to host a ‘floating hub’ from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. This involved a two-week focused piece of work around rough sleepers. Officers commented that rough sleepers often had complex needs and that a significant number also had No Recourse to Public Funds, which made interventions more difficult.

h.    The Committee sought further information about the age of the first interaction of young people with the youth justice system and the reasons for this. The AD for Commissioning agreed to share the information from the recent Haringey Stat meeting around serious youth violence. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).

i.      The AD Commissioning advised that there was a Member briefing on rough sleeping scheduled for 19th December.

j.      The Committee sought reassurance around a reduction in the numbers of Temporary Accommodation available. In response, officers acknowledged that there were significant numbers of  residents housed in Temporary Accommodation but commented that HfH had undertaken a significant piece of work to reduce homelessness, offer housing advice and intervene sooner. The Homelessness Reduction Act came into force in April with a focus on prevention and a requirement that the local authority work with people for 56 days before making a decision on homelessness.

k.    The AD for Commissioning agreed to come back with details on the response rate for the Residents Survey. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).

l.      The Chair raised concerns that the Committee had not been receiving quarterly performance briefings.

m.  The Chair of the Adults and Health Panel raised concerns with ongoing cuts to the CCG and the need for coordination between the CCG and Council on savings within Adults and Health. The Panel Chair agreed to pick this up during her Panel meeting. (Action: Cllr Connor).

n.    The Chair of the Adults and Health Panel requested that some of the key risks identified in the report be provided to the Panels as part of the Budget Scrutiny process with a cost attachment. Officers suggested that this could be better set out through the formal quarterly briefings for OSC Members. (Action: Charlotte Pomery).




That the Committee noted the progress made against the delivery of the priorities and targets of the Corporate Plan.

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