Agenda item

Cabinet Member Q&A


Cllr Peray Ahmet, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, introduced herself to the panel and provided an update on recent developments on issues relating to her portfolio:

-          A decision was taken by Cabinet in June to keep Osborne Grove nursing home open for existing residents and to conduct a feasibility study on future options for the home.

-          A redesign group will be set up in the next month or so for adult social care to explore different models of working.

-          Options are being looked at on delivering a manifesto pledge on ensuring that the Council pays the London Living Wage, including for home care workers.

-          An ‘expo’ on adult social care was expected to be held in November for Councillors and others to provide information about services that are currently being delivered and to provide an opportunity to speak to practitioners.

In response to questions from the panel about the Osborne Grove nursing home, Cllr Ahmet along with Beverley Tarka, Director for Adults and Health and Charlotte Pomery, Assistant Director for Commissioning, said:

-          In relation to the operation of Osborne Grove, various options were being explored but Cllr Ahmet ruled out working with a private sector operator.

-          Since the last CQC report for Osborne Grove, the registered manager of the home had been changed and additional management support had been added to the governance structure. While the level of oversight and governance had been improved it was important to note that even before the CQC report there was a commissioning imposed embargo on new placements at Osborne Grove due to issues of safety of care and some of these issues remain. The Commissioning Quality Assurance manager carries out audits of the improvements made based on key performance indicators but this has not yet reached the point at which the embargo could be lifted has still not been reached. Beverley Tarka agreed to circulate a summary of the current status of the key performance indicators relating to Osborne Grove. (Action – Beverley Tarka)

-          The Best Interests meetings are a process by which an Osborne Grove resident’s families, friends, clinicians, care home staff and others are gathered to discuss any issue to determine the right action in the best interests of a resident.

-          A report in 2015 highlighted fire safety shortcomings at Osborne Grove. A rigorous response by management followed and a subsequent inspection approved the changes that had been made. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is currently in the process of conducting a fire safety review so this could be considered as part of that work.

-          In terms of next steps, the co-design group will continue to meet on a monthly basis, a feasibility study is due to be carried out, there will also be further stakeholder engagement and then a report to Cabinet will follow sometime next year. Cllr Ahmet agreed to share the timeline of next steps. (Action: Cllr Ahmet)


AGREED: That a further update on Osborne Grove be provided to the panel in Feb/Mar 2019.

In response to questions from the panel about other issues Cllr Ahmet, Beverley Tarka, Charlotte Pomery and John Everson, Assistant Director of Adult Social Services said:

-          In relation to homelessness, there is a rising trend in rough sleeping in Haringey as well as across London and also nationally. The Council is working to implement a new Rough Sleeping Strategy that was approved earlier in the year. A paper on a new Homelessness Hub was due to go to Cabinet for approval shortly which would deliver wraparound services to homeless individuals.

-          Delays on carers’ assessments have historically been a concern. Actions to improve this over the last 9-12 months has included simplified processes, more resource for the assessment teams, a wider range of options for people to have their assessments including an online self-referral process. These changes were still bedding in and the communication of the new options to carers is an ongoing process. John Everson agreed to provide a summary of recent developments on this. (Action: John Everson)

-          In response to concerns about vulnerable tenants requiring repairs to their properties, Cllr Ahmet agreed to raise this with Homes for Haringey. (Action: Cllr Ahmet)

-          A brief overview was provided on the circumstances under which adult advocacy services are provided.