Agenda item

Discussion on above


Following group discussions amongst the Community Safety Partnership, there was a positive reaction to the new emphasis on focussing strategically on intervention and prevention. It was acknowledged that, moving forward, better identifying factors which could help prevent crime, such as those discussed in Agenda Item 11, as being the fundamental point that would underpin the success of any strategies created.


It was identified that a large number of those who were found to be engaged with criminal activity had already had some dealings with the authority in one way or another.  It was felt that a key focus should be to look at how a preventative approach could be adopted to ensure that individuals were not caught up in a cycle of criminal activity and constant engagement with the authorities. For those that were identified as being at risk of becoming involved with crime, what could be offered to them (in terms of support) to prevent initial involvement with the authorities. The use of role models and mentors who could embody a positive image for young people to emulate was suggested as an effective preventative measure, as had been shown by other systems that successfully used similar tactics to prevent and combat criminal activity.


Additionally, agencies such as local groups with a far reach and a high number of members should be utilised in spreading positive messages. 

It was noted that there existed a range of strategies used by the police, Haringey Council and the Safer Neighbourhood Board to treat similar issues. Issues such as these must be addressed to reduce the potential for duplicate activity. It was felt that it would be helpful if strategies used by the various agencies were aligned so that resources could be better strategically used.

In looking at the issue of serious youth violence and the causes of it, with regard to wider factors such as organisation of crime, it was acknowledged that the Council and its partners had significant scope to contribute to the reduction of this. For example, Homes for Housing could be a significant resource tool for the police in alerting them when it becomes apparent that homes within their jurisdiction were being used for criminal and gang related activity. Homes for Haringey could also help to prevent criminal activities operating out of these properties by evicting those individuals found to be using the property as a base to operate. Also it would to obtain the learning from other cities such as New York when considering actions on youth violence.


There was discussion about support to children who are at risk of future offending and who despite going to a school where there were good results were not achieving their potential. This meant exploring different methods for supporting these children and their families from a young age to learn and continue engaging with learning through secondary school to deter from offending. This could mean looking in detail at home factors connected with learning and better supporting the family from a child’s early developmental stages. Also looking at ways for encouraging children’s with involvement in extra - curricular activities where there are positive roles available.


There was group discussion about operation Marlon which could be used as a example when considering the places to put in interventions such as secondary schools. There could be focus on specific secondary schools and emphasis on the vulnerability of children crossing borough lines.



To note the above in the development of the CSP strategy.