Agenda item

Application by the Great Russian Circus Ltd to hire Ducketts Common for the International Circus in 2018


The Cabinet Member for Environment considered the report which sought determination of an application made by the Great Russian Circus Ltd to hire Ducketts Common over 15 days between March and April 2018 in order to stage the International Circus.


The application was required to be determined pursuant to the Council’s Outdoor Events Policy (the Policy), which was approved by Cabinet on 17th December 2013, and implemented on 7th January 2014.



In response to questions from the Cabinet Member, it was noted that the existing gateway to the Common, via Willoughby Road, would provide wider access. This would be facilitated by having a dropped kerb which was due for completion this week. Vehicles would be able to enter the Common though this route rather than use the Green Lanes road for entry. The new hedge row would be replanted at the other side of the common.


There was not expected to be an impact on the traffic in the area as there were good transport links. However, there would be a review of the event consideration given to traffic management issues and a  traffic management plan could be put in place for future events if needed.


With regard to the issue of drainage raised in the consultation, this may have been a historical issue as the Common had not been used for events for a few years .It would be made clear to the contractor that they would be responsible for appropriate use of drains.




1.    To take note of the one response that was received from a recognised stakeholder of Ducketts Common in response to the event notification being sent as part of the decision making process.


2.    To authorise the Interim Director – Commercial and Operations, to approve conditional in principle agreement to hire Ducketts Common to the event promoter for the event detailed in this report as set out in para 6.3.


3.    To agree that the conditions which are to be attached to any final approval of authority are as set out in the comments of the Assistant Director, Corporate Governance at paragraph 9.2.12 below.


Reasons for decision


Under the terms of the Policy, applications of the type detailed in this report are required to be determined with the prior agreement of the Cabinet Member.


If authority is given, then officers will give in principle agreement to the Applicant for the event application to progress. The event will be subject to discussions with relevant authorities before final agreement is given.


The rejection of the application would have implications for the Parks Service budget, and reduce the opportunity for reinvestment into Ducketts Common (the Park). It would also mean that the wider cultural and economic benefits to the borough were lost.


Alternative options considered


In adopting the Policy, the Council established its commitment to using the Park for events. Accordingly, the only other alternative option which could be considered would be to reject the application. That option was rejected, on the grounds that the event does not fall within any of the grounds set out in paragraph 5.3 of the Policy for automatic refusal.



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