The Mayor invited the Monitoring Officer to outline the requirement for votes.
It was noted that the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, and the Council’s Standing Orders required the Council to record in the minutes how each Councillor voted, including any abstentions, when determining the Council’s Budget and the level of Council Tax to be levied.
The only requirement was to record in the minutes of the meeting how each member voted, and given that there were 10 amendments and a substantive motion to be voted on, it could be recorded in the minutes of the meeting how each member voted, including any who have abstained, by a show of hands.
The Mayor then called on Councillor Arthur to introduce the budget and move the budget report – 2018/19 Budget – and the recommendations a-q at pages 24 and 25 of the agenda pack. Councillor Kober formally seconded the motion, and reserved her right to respond during the debate.
The Mayor then invited Councillor Engert to move her group’s 10 amendments, as set out in the tabled papers. Councillor Newton formally seconded the amendments and reserved the right to speak during the debate.
The Mayor then opened the debate, in which Councillors Connor, Wright, Ross, Gideon Bull (who declared an interest as an employee of the National Health Service), Carter, Peacock, Hare, Diakides, Goldberg and Kober contributed to the discussion. Councillor Engert and then Councillor Arthur responded to the debate.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 1. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 1 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 2. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright),
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 2 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 3. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright),
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 3 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 4. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright),
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 4 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 5. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 5 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 6. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 6 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 7. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 7 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 8. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 8 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 9. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 9 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on Budget Amendment 10. There being 7 Members in favour (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
40 Members opposed (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
No abstentions,
Budget Amendment 10 was declared LOST.
The Mayor then called for a vote on recommendations a-q contained at pages 24 and 25 paragraph of the agenda pack.
There being 40 Members in favour (Councillors Ahmet, Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, Brabazon, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Diakides, Doron, Ejiofor, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, J Mann, S Mann, McNamara, McShane, Mitchell, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, Wright), and
7 Members opposed (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Engert, Hare, Newton and Ross), and
No abstentions,
The Recommendations were AGREED.
That Council agree:
a. To approve the proposed 2018/19 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy (2018-23) agreed by Cabinet on 13th February 2018 as updated for the final settlement figures described in paragraph 1.2 and Annex 1A of the attached report, including the outcomes from the budget consultation exercise, which are attached as Annex 1 and Annex 6;
b. To approve the increase in the Haringey Council tax of 3% relating to the Adult Social Care precept;
c. To approve the General Fund budget requirement for 2018/19 of £250.110m, net of Dedicated Schools Grant, as set out in table 6.1 and Annex 1A of the attached report.
d. To approve the Cash Limit for 2018/19 of £250.11m as set out in Annex 2 of the attached report;
e. To approve the 2018/19 General Fund capital programme set out in Appendix 3 to the Cabinet budget report (Annex 1 of the attached report);
f. To approve the policy on the flexible use of capital receipts as set out in section 8 and Appendix 11 of Annex 1 of the attached report;
g. To approve the update on the use of flexible capital receipts set out in para 6.2 of the attached report.
h. To approve the Housing Revenue Account Budget 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2 to the Cabinet budget report (Annex 1 of the attached report);
i. To approve the 2018/19 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital programme set out in Appendix 4 to the Cabinet budget report (Annex 1 of the attached report);
j. To note the Greater London Authority (GLA) proposed precept (para. 7.11 of the attached report);
k. To delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Health, to reflect any final changes to the level of the GLA precept in the Council’s Council tax billing information set out in Annex 5 of the attached report;
l. To approve the creation and maintenance of a Budget Resilience Reserve as set out in the Reserves Policy at Annex 3a of the attached report;
m. To approve the estimated level of non-earmarked General Fund reserves and the specific and other reserves as set out in Annex 3b of the attached report;
n. To approve the reserves policy including the Chief Finance Officer’s (CFO) assessment of risk and the assessment of the adequacy of reserves, as set out in Annex 3 (a – c) of the attached report;
o. To note the report of the Chief Finance Officer under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of proposed reserves set out in section 9 of the attached report;
p. To approve the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2018/19 set out in Annex 4 of the attached report; and
q. To pass the budget resolution including the level of Council Tax, in the specified format, and to determine that the Council’s relevant basic amount of Council Tax for the year is not excessive as set out in Annex 5 of the attached report.
Supporting documents: