Agenda item

Scrutiny of the Draft 5 Year Medium Term Financial Strategy (2018/19 - 2022/23)

To consider and comment of the Council’s draft 5 year (2018/19 to 2022/23) Medium Term Financial Strategy proposals relating to the Panel’s remit (i.e. Priority 3).


The Panel noted that there were no new savings proposed for Priority 3 in 2018/19.  All the previously agreed savings had been rolled forward and were currently on course to be delivered.   Mr Kershaw reported that the reduction in the funding for the Education and Outreach team had reduced the capacity to engage with residents.  However, work was still undertaken with schools although it was now intended to deliver this on-line.  It was still important to provide advice and guidance to residents although this could be challenging due to the transient population in some areas of the borough.   


It was noted that the closure of Park View Road Re-use and Recycling Centre had taken place in October.  However, there were other sites that could be used instead, including some outside of the borough.  Mr Kershaw reported that there would be publicity regarding alternative re-use and recycling facilities.  There had so far been no increase in fly tipping but this would continue to be monitored.


In answer to a question, Mr McDonnell stated that it would be possible to bring the waste contract back in house if Members wished to do so.  However, the current waste contract was not failing.   In respect of the changes to visitor parking permits and hourly permit charges, it was intended to implement these from February.  Engagement with the community would be required beforehand.  It was agreed that clarification would be provided regarding the age for concessionary rate.  It was still intended to relocate parking and CCTV processes and appeals.  One option would be to share provision with Islington, who had based their service in Manchester. 


The Panel noted that the following responses had been made to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January 2017 in respect of items in Priority 3;

·         3.2: Charging for Bulky Household Waste; Enforcement had taken place at hot spot sites and the littering fixed penalty notice rate had been increased from £80 to £150.  The impact of the implementation of the changes was also being closely monitored.

·         3.3:  Charging for Replacement Wheelie Bins; There was no charge for a replacement bin if it had been damaged by the contractor.   There had been very few disputes regarding responsibility for this so far.   All bins were marked to show that they belonged to Haringey.  Requests for replacement bins had reduced considerably.  The main objective of the change had been to encourage better stewardship of bins.

·         3.6:  Closure of Park View Road Re-use and Recycling Centre; The impact of this was being closely monitored. 

·         3.7:  Rationalisation of Parking Visitor Permits; The age for concessionary rate had been reduced from 75 to 65, as the Committee had recommended. 

·         3.8:  Relocation of Parking/CCTV Process and Appeals; An Equalities Impact Assessment had been included in the Cabinet report on the issue.  No final decision had been taken on the issue and the proposal was currently at the commissioning stage.  There would potentially be four redundancies arising from the proposal.


Mr McDonnell reported that the fee arising from the licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation would finance the creation of a team to administer it.  He felt that engaging with landlords was likely to be more effective in the long term than outreach and education in reducing littering and fly tipping.  




1.    That clarification be provided regarding the concessionary rate for parking visitor permits;


2.    That the equalities impact assessment in respect of the proposal to relocate parking/CCTV processes and appeals be circulated to the Panel; and


3.    That the Panel continue to monitor the impact of the introduction of charges for replacement bins and collection of green waste and bulky items.





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