Agenda item

Cabinet Response to Scrutiny Review on Fear of Crime

[Report of the Interim Director for Commercial and Operations. To be introduced by the  Cabinet Member for Communities.]Cabinet to provide a response to the recommendations arising from the Environment and Community Safety  Scrutiny Panel’s review on the Fear of Crime.


Councillor Tim Gallagher introduced the Scrutiny Review on the Fear of Crime which he had inherited as the Chair of the Scrutiny Panel for Environment and Community Safety. He thanked Councillor Gunes, and her Panel for their considerable work on the review which was put forward for consideration and response by Cabinet.


Cllr Gallagher highlighted the key findings and recommendations of the review which were:


·         The relationship between crime and fear of crime was not straight forward and it was important that these were treated as related but distinct issues.

·         Haringey residents had some of the highest levels of fear of crime amongst London Boroughs. These levels were higher than many boroughs with similar characteristics to Haringey but with higher levels of recorded crime.

·         The Panel took evidence from a number of sources and range of interventions were discussed and identified.

·         Further clarity was needed on which interventions could be more successful so there was key recommendation for CSP [ Community Safety Partnership] to do more work on this identification.

·         It was further proposed that an action plan is compiled, taking forward effective interventions. As this action did not fall in the remit of Cabinet, it was hoped this would be considered by the CSP, going forward.

·         The Panel welcomed the proposed Housing in Multiple Occupation Additional licensing scheme, which was currently out to consultation, and will have an impact on anti- social behaviour and fear of crime.



Overall, Cllr Gallagher was pleased that a majority of the recommendations were proposed for agreement and hoped this issue remained a priority for the borough, going forward.


Cllr Ayisi, Cabinet Member for Communities responded, by thanking Cllr Gunes for leading and compiling this Scrutiny review. The recommendations put forward, were consistent with the existing and emerging Community Safety Strategy. Cllr Ayisi was pleased that the recommendations, not only related to crime/antisocial behaviour but involved services such as those contained in the portfolio of the Cabinet Member for Environment i.e. street lighting and HMO licensing. This was important, given tackling crime and the fear of crime should involve wider council service actions.


In respect of the scrutiny recommendations, the Cabinet Member explained that those which were partially agreed, reflected that work was ongoing. The recommendations which were fully agreed reflected that the required actions were already in place or soon to be actioned.


The Cabinet Member thanked the Panel and looked forward to working with them to ensure the fear of crime in the borough is reduced.




1.    To note the Scrutiny Review into the Fear of Crime set out in Appendix 2.


2.    To agree the response to the recommendations of the review set out in the Appendix 1.


Reason for Decision


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations flow from its extensive investigation and report. They set out a reasonable and measured set of requests which, where they are within the full gift of the Council are recommended for agreement. Where they rely on others the recommendation is partial agreement.


Alternative options considered


The recommendations are consistent with the existing and emerging community safety strategy. This has been informed by extensive consultation. Therefore, no other options have been considered.


Supporting documents: