Agenda item

Update on Customer Services and Libraries

To provide a summary update on the Customer Service Transformation Programme, previously briefed to Overview & Scrutiny in March 2017.


Cllr Ejiofor, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities introduced the report as set out. The following was noted during discussion of the report:

a.    The Committee requested information on those waiting longer than 20 minutes for a response, be included in future updates. (Action: Andy Briggs).

b.    In response to clarification sought around a 781% increase in the use of social media to interact with the Council, officers advised that this figure had come from the annual review undertaken by the web team and confirmed that there had been a huge channel shift in that respect.

c.    The Committee raised concerns with the operation of Wood Green Library and the extent to which the presence of the customer service centre affected its functionality as a library. In response to a query around the continuation of its joint function and its expected lifespan, officers advised that the library probably had a lifespan of around 3-4 years and that the intention was to have a new customer service offer and library in the new civic building.

d.    The Cabinet Member acknowledged some of the concerns raised around the building’s functionality as a library and agreed that he would continue to monitor it going forward.

e.    Officers advised that additional investment would be put into the Wood Green Library building over the next 12-18 months but cautioned that this would be in proportion to its lifespan.

f.     The Committee asked for clarification on the breakdown of the 2.4m capital investment in libraries. Officers advised that around £1m was for the refurbishment of Hornsey library. The AD for Customer Services and Libraries agreed to provide OSC with a briefing on the breakdown of 2.4m capital investment. (Action: Andy Briggs).

g.    The Committee raised concerns with the crossover in portfolio responsibilities between the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Culture and commented that it was difficult to ascertain who had responsibility for specific areas, particularly around who was responsible for the maintenance of a co-located building. Cllr Ejiofor advised that he was responsible for Marcus Garvey Library as it was leased back from Fusion but that Cllr Vanier was responsible for most other library buildings.

h.    The Chair drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that the agenda item was primarily around customer services and not libraries and cautioned that the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Culture was not at the meeting to respond to queries on her portfolio.

i.      The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customer Services acknowledged that reporting structures were not as clear as they could have been but reassured the Committee that this issue had been addressed. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customer Services agreed to meet with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Culture to discuss how to manage the co-location of joint services and to feedback to OSC on this. (Action: Cllr Ejiofor).

j.      The Committee reiterated a request that the customer service centres provided access to toys and books for children. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customer Services agreed that he would speak to officers and reconsider this request, suggesting that perhaps a trial period could be introduced. (Action: Cllr Ejiofor).

k.    In response to a question on who the service champions were, officers advised that they were library staff with a targeted area of responsibility, such as a digital champion.

l.      The Committee requested that an update on Customer Services and Libraries be brought back to OSC in March 2018. The Committee requested that both Cabinet Members be invited to attend the meeting. The Committee also requested that the report include performance and analysis of the quality of interactions at customer service centres. (Action: Clerk/Andy Briggs). 




The Committee noted the information contained in the report.

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