Agenda item

Appointment Panels for Director of Urban Environment, and Director of Adults, Culture & Community Services

(Report of the Head of Personnel)  To give further consideration be given to the composition of Panels.


In accordance with Standing Order 32.6, no other business shall be considered.


The Chair asked that reasons for urgency be given in respect of the late item.


The Head of Personnel advised that the report before the Committee was urgent in order for the Committee to agree the composition of the Appointments Panel and process for the appointment to the posts of Director of Urban Environment, and Director of Adults, Culture and Community Services.   The process had already commenced with both job adverts being advertised in the MJ and LGC.


The Committee accepted that the item was urgent for consideration.


In a brief introduction of the report the Head of Personnel advised of the previous decision of the Committee (23 October 2006) to the composition of the Appointment Panels to the posts of Director of Urban Environment, and Director of Adults, Culture and Community Services – being 7 in total (4 Majority and 3 Minority).  Following on from that  decision, and in accordance with Standing Order K of the Council’s Constitution the Chair had met with the Leader of the Council to determine the number of seats to be allocated to Executive and Non-Executive Members (4 in total) and as a result it was suggested that the composition of the Panel for Majority Members be 3 Executive and 1 Non-Executive Members.


The Chair thanked Mr Young for his introduction and asked if there were any specific questions from Members.


Councillor Adje commented felt that the composition of the panel with 7 members in total was fine as previously agreed, and in terms of the allocation as suggested he felt that 3 Executive Members and 1 non executive Member was not the correct composition. Councillor Adje suggested that as with the appointment of the Chief Executive there should be a Stakeholders Group that would meet with candidates on the day of the interview and that those Executive Members not sitting on the Interview Panel would have the opportunity to meet and put questions to each candidate and then forward their impressions together with those of external stakeholders to the Appointments Panel.  Councillor Adje therefore proposed that the Membership for the Majority Group be 2 Executive and 2 Non Executive Members.  Councillor Adje felt that this composition reflected well the spirit of the LGA 2000 and the Council’s constitution.


Councillor Whyte sought clarification as to the determination of the Panel composition.  Mr Young confirmed that the panel had been established as 7 in accordance with the Constitution (Part K2)  and the rules governing such meetings.  The Chair of the General Purposes Committee would meet with the Leader to determine the actual allocation of places. There had been suggestion that the Panel could be either 7 or 9 – with 9  composition of 5 majority and 4 minority members.



The Head of Member Services – Ms Semambo commented that if the Committee were to reaffirm a Panel of 7 Members then the Chair of the Committee would need to discuss this further with the Leader of the Council as to the allocation of the non Executive and Executive members sitting thereon. Ms Semambo reminded the Committee of the requirement in accordance with Part K2 of the Council’s constitution.


Councillor Adje commented that whilst he accepted the requirements of part K2 of the constitution, whether the Committee agreed a panel of 7 or 9, there should not be either 3 or 4 executive members sitting on the Panel.


Councillors Harris expressed her views as to the need for the Panel’s composition to be reflective of the Council’s Leadership and Executive and also the non-executive members of the Council.  She felt that the there should be a composition totalling 7 with 2 Executive/2 non Executive and 3 opposition members. 


The Chair commented that the Leader of the Council had expressed the view of the need for 3 Executive Members sitting on the Panel given the wide range of areas both posts covered and the close working relationship that Executive members would have with both post holders.  Ms Semambo commented that in terms of Chief Officer accountability she reminded the Committee that this was primarily to Executive members and therefore that was the reasoning behind the leader’s views.


Councillor Adje commented that whilst he appreciated the comments expressed it was the case that Chief officers were accountable to all non executive members also and that annually there were often changes in those holding Executive/non Executive positions. 


Councillor Patel and Dobbie both concurred in terms of the numbers of members of the Panel being 7 and that accountability was to all Members of the Council – both majority and minority, and that there should be an equality in terms of majority executive/non-executive members. Councillor Adje also felt that if there was an issue as to who from the Executive should sit on the Panel then the Executive member for Organisational Development and performance could actually sit as having overall responsibility for personnel matters.


On a MOTION by the Chair it was:




i.                    that in respect of the composition of the Appointments Panel in respect of the posts of Director of Urban Environment, and Director of Adults, Culture and Community Services, the Panel be confirmed as 7 Members in total with 4 majority and 3 minority members;

ii.                  that in terms of the 4 majority members the allocation be on the basis of 2 Executive, and 2 non-Executive members –to be determined by the Chair of General Purposes Committee and the Leader of the Council in accordance with part K2 of the Constitution; and

iii.                that  external stakeholders and Executive Members not sitting on the Appointments Panel be invited to attend during the day of the Appointments Panel to meet with candidates and feed their views to the Appointments Panel.



There being no further matters to discuss the meeting ended at 18:40hrs.





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