Agenda item

Land at Haringey Heartlands, Wood Green

Proposal: Submission of reserved matters namely a) Scale b) Layout c) Landscape and d) Appearance, for Building C7 comprising a total of 104 residential homes and 337sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace, pursuant to Outline Planning Permission ref. HGY/2009/0503 (EIA Development) (as varied by refs. HGY/2013/2455 and HGY/2016/0026), comprising a total of 1056 residential homes; 2,500sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace uses (A1-A4/ B1/D1); 225 car parking spaces and car club facility; new pedestrian routes; new Pressure Reduction Station (PRS); and landscaping throughout the site including: a tree lined boulevard down Mary Neuer Road; a 'Pocket Park' off Hornsey Park Road; a public Garden Square; a private residential courtyard garden; and ecological gardens.


RECOMMENDATION: GRANT planning permission and authorise the Head of Development Management to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives.


The Committee considered a report on the application to grant planning permission for the Submission of reserved matters namely a) Scale b) Layout c) Landscape and d) Appearance, for Building C7 comprising a total of 104 residential homes and 337sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace, pursuant to Outline Planning Permission ref. HGY/2009/0503 (EIA Development) (as varied by refs. HGY/2013/2455 and HGY/2016/0026), comprising a total of 1056 residential homes; 2,500sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace uses (A1-A4/ B1/D1); 225 car parking spaces and car club facility; new pedestrian routes; new Pressure Reduction Station (PRS); and landscaping throughout the site including: a tree lined boulevard down Mary Neuer Road; a 'Pocket Park' off Hornsey Park Road; a public Garden Square; a private residential courtyard garden; and ecological gardens.


The Planning Officer gave a short presentation highlighting the key aspects of the report.


The Committee raised a number of questions and issues, responses to which are summarised as follows:

-       The four disabled parking spaces were for block C7 – there would be 10% disabled access across the site, but it would be carried out on a block by block basis.

-       The dwellings referred to in paragraph 3.2.6 had been removed from the original plans as opposed to demolishing physical dwellings.

-       The landscaping would need to come back for further approval.


The Chair moved that the application be granted, and following a vote it was




That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission and that the Head of Development Management or the Assistant Director Planning is authorised to make any alterations, additions or deletion to the recommended Heads of Terms and/or recommended conditions as set out in this report and to further delegate this power provided this authority shall be excercised in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice-Chair) of the Sub-Committee.


Subject to the following condition(s):


1.      The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 2 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission shall be of no effect.


Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.


2.      The approved plans and specifications comprise:


439/C7/GA/000 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/001 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/002 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/003 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/004 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/005 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/006 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/007 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/008 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/009; 439/C7/GA/050 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/051; 439/C7/GA/100; 439/C7/GA/101 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/102 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/103 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/150 Rev A; 439/C7/GA/200 Rev A; Accommodation Schedule Rev B; Design Commentary Rev A (March 2017); Planning Statement (March 2017); Daylight and Sunlight Assessment Rev A (13 March 2017); Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Designers Response (No Access, Approved Alignment; Vectos - February 2017); Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Designers Response (With Access, Approved Alignment; Vectos - February 2017); Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (Approved Alignment; GM Traffic Consultants - February 2017); Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (Road Realignment; GM Traffic Consultants - February 2017).


The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans except where conditions attached to this planning permission indicate otherwise or where alternative details have been subsequently approved following an application for a non-material amendment.


Reason: In order to avoid doubt and in the interests of good planning.


3.      Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved, confirmation that this phase of the development complies with the requirements of Secured by Design, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development meets the Police standards for the physical protection of the buildings and their occupants.


4.      The developer will be required to enter into a Section 278 agreement to secure the following:

a)  The gates to Block C7 must be set back from the public highways to allow for queuing; in addition the gates must be remote controlled to reduce the dwelling time of vehicles waiting to access the car parking which can potential result in queuing pubic highways.

b)  The safety audit observed speeds in excess of 20MPH which is the design speed for the new access point, the revised design must include traffic calming measures to ensure that the design speed of 20mph is reinforced.

c)  The detailed design must subjected to and independent Stage 2 Road Safety Audit.


This agreement shall be entered into prior to the commencement of above ground works of the relevant phase(s) including these works.


Reason: To ensure safe and efficient vehicle access, and to secure the implementation of the highways works, enabling access to the development proposal.




INFORMATIVE: Hours of Construction Work:

The applicant is advised that under the Control of Pollution Act 1974, construction work which will be audible at the site boundary will be restricted to the following hours:-

- 8.00am - 6.00pm    Monday to Friday

- 8.00am - 1.00pm    Saturday

- and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


INFORMATIVE: Street Numbering

The new development will require numbering. The applicant should contact the Local Land Charges at least six weeks before the development is occupied (tel. 020 8489 5573) to arrange for the allocation of a suitable address.


INFORMATIVE: Secured by Design

In aiming to satisfy Condition 3, the applicant should seek the advice of the Police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs). The services of the Police DOCOs are available free of charge and can be contacted via: Telephone 0208 217 3813 or via


INFORMATIVE:  Thames Water

There are public sewers crossing or close to your development. In order to protect public sewers and to ensure that Thames Water can gain access to those sewers for future repair and maintenance, approval should be sought from Thames Water where the erection of a building or an extension to a building or underpinning work would be over the line of, or would come within 3 metres of, a public sewer. Thames Water will usually refuse such approval in respect of the construction of new buildings, but approval may be granted for extensions to existing buildings. The applicant is advised to visit



A Groundwater Risk Management Permit from Thames Water will be required for discharging groundwater into a public sewer. Any discharge made without a permit is deemed illegal and may result in prosecution under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991. We would expect the developer to demonstrate what measures he will undertake to minimise groundwater discharges into the public sewer. Permit enquiries should be directed to Thames Water’s Risk Management Team by telephoning 02035779483 or by emailing Application forms should be completed on line via



Thames Water would recommend that petrol/oil interceptors be fitted in all car parking/washing/repair facilities. Failure to enforce the effective use of petrol/oil interceptors could result in oil-polluted discharges entering local watercourses.



With regard to surface water drainage it is the responsibility of a developer to make proper provision for drainage to ground, water courses or a suitable sewer. In respect of surface water it is recommended that the applicant should ensure that storm flows are attenuated or regulated into the receiving public network through on or off site storage. When it is proposed to connect to a combined public sewer, the site drainage should be separate and combined at the final manhole nearest the boundary. Connections are not permitted for the removal of groundwater. Where the developer proposes to discharge to a public sewer, prior approval from Thames Water Developer Services will be required to ensure that the surface water discharge from the site shall not be detrimental to the existing sewerage system. They can be contacted on 0800 009 3921.



Thames Water will aim to provide customers with a minimum pressure of 10m head (approx 1 bar) and a flow rate of 9 litres/minute at the point where it leaves Thames Waters pipes. The developer should take account of this minimum pressure in the design of the proposed development.

Supporting documents: