Agenda item

Physical Activity for Older People Scrutiny Project

Cabinet to consider the Scrutiny Review and Recommendations of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel on the Scrutiny Review of Physical Activity for Older People.


Councillor Connor, Chair of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel, introduced the Scrutiny review which had considered tackling the issue of physical inactivity for older people with the added aim of reducing social isolation. The project had focused on making a difference and considering the practicalities, on the ground, for social care services when offering solutions.


Councillor Connor highlighted four key recommendations: physical activity as a priority in care homes, utilising Healthwatch powers to ensure physical activity was prioritised in the care system, considering the homes to hospital pathway to include physical activity as a part of the care being provided, taking forward home-grown ideas such as the ‘year of walking’ and promoting this to ensure it flourishes, and challenging leisure providers to think about their physical activity offer to vulnerable groups.


Councillor Connor was pleased that an activity service directory was being developed by the Bridge Renewal Trust which would be made available by July to help older people find activity services close to them.


Councillor Connor further thanked contributors who shared information about how older people can to access information on how to become active.


The Leader responded to the review, on behalf of the Cabinet, and welcomed the extensive piece of work undertaken by the Panel. The Leader was impressed with the work put into the review to compile a number of recommendations, a majority of which, were agreed to. Those recommendations that were not agreed were where funding needed to be secured and, on the basis that future funding was secured, would be taken forward.





  1. To note the Overview and Scrutiny Report for the Physical Activity for Older People Project (attached as Appendix 1)


  1. To agree the responses to the Overview and Scrutiny Report recommendations (attached as Appendix 2)





Reasons for decision


The reasons for decision are detailed in section 4 of the Overview and Scrutiny Reportfor the Physical Activity for Older People (attached as Appendix 1).


The recommendations and responses (Appendix 2) address the concerns around the low rates of physical activity amongst older people detailed in the Panel’s report.


It should be noted that not all the recommendations could be fully agreed. This is firstly due to the separate decision making processes that are required to achieve full agreement. These separate decision making processes could not be completed within the timeframe required for adoption. Likewise, funding is not in place for all recommendations. Fuller explanations around the recommendations and responses are detailed in Appendix 2.


The financial implications of these recommendations are currently neutral. Some realignment of people resources is required and accepted. Where actual funding is required, as detailed in the recommendations, this is subject to successfully drawing down external funding from bodies such as Sport England. Activities requiring support / delivery by Fusion and other partners have been agreed with them.


It can also be expected that longer term savings will be made if older people are healthier and more independent as a result from becoming more active.

Alternative options considered


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee explored a number of views, good practice and evidence from many sources to enable the collation of the report and the subsequent recommendations.


The recommendations have been carefully considered in light of our strategic priorities and the resources available. Detailed responses have been drawn up to each recommendation and in most cases there is agreement to take these forward to help the Council and its partners improve physical activity rates amongst older people in the Borough. Where we do not fully agree that a recommendation represents the right course of action, we have detailed this in the response.


Supporting documents: