The Board received a report and presentation which set out a joint approach to tackling obesity across Islington and Haringey. The report and presentation were included at pages 37 and 53 respectively and were introduced by Dr Jeanelle De Gruchy, Director of Public Health LB Haringey.
The Director of Public Health advised that both Haringey and Islington Public Health teams had come together to workshop what was being done locally to tackle obesity. Haringey and Islington faced similar challenges with over 1 in 3 children aged 10-11 classed as overweight or obese. Tackling obesity through the partnership emerged as a priority area following the scoping of the CVD/diabetes, children’s and prevention work streams. The Board was advised that the potential impact between a healthy and non-healthy life style was hugely significant in terms of overall health outcomes and their knock on effect. The Director of Public Health, LB Haringey outlined the areas for collaboration set out in the report and the types of approach being taken. It was emphasised that the aim was to create healthy environments to facilitate a wider culture shift within the population. The Director of Public Health, LB Haringey highlighted the removal of ‘no ball-game signs’ and the play weekend in April as activities designed to encourage children to be physically active.
The Director of Public Health, LB Haringey also drew the Boards’ attention to the Sugar Smart campaign in conjunction with the Jamie Oliver Foundation and Sustain. The aim was to increase awareness of and reduce sugar consumption across all age groups and communities, and in doing so becoming the first Sugar Smart joint borough. As part of the campaign it was proposed to undertake an audit of all Council and commissioned properties to assess what their food offer was and to then develop a food standards policy and toolkit to help providers look at alternatives. The Healthy Workplace Charter was also highlighted to the Board, which was a structured framework to recognise and support business investment in employee health and wellbeing. Initiatives included: Promotion of 5 a day and the ‘one you’ website, reduced price gym membership, running clubs, walks at lunchtime, cycle to work schemes and the provision of showers and lockers for people to promote cycling and running to work.
Cllr Watts advised that he welcomed proposals to remove ‘no ball-game’ signs and that he and Cllr Kober were keen to include the Play Streets scheme into the proposals. Cllr Watts also proposed that a high profile campaign should be launched to generate public interest and garner momentum, and suggested that the Board might want to focus on campaigning against a particular product. The Chair requested that the Director of Public Health, LB Haringey and the Assistant Director Public Health LB Islington develop proposals around launching a profile campaign.
Action: Jeanelle De Gruchy & Jason Strelitz
That Haringey and Islington work together to:
I. Create healthier food environments and reduce sugar consumption
· To sign up to London’s Sugar Smart Campaign and to agree a joint pledge to make healthier food more affordable and accessible for our residents.
· To encourage sign up to the Sugar Smart Campaign from our partners (including schools and community organisations).
· To undertake a snapshot audit of the current food offer in public sector facilities across both boroughs in order to understand the quality and nutritional value of food on sale to our residents.
· To develop a food standards policy and toolkit to work with providers to improve the food offer for all our residents.
· That all organisations on the joint board work towards Healthy Workplace Charter ‘Excellence’.
II. Building capacity and knowledge within the wider public health workforce
· To promote Making Every Contact Count (MECC) within all organisations represented in the Haringey and Islington Health and Wellbeing Board.
III. Work together to identify joint funding to increase levels of physical activity
To support a joint Haringey and Islington bid for the Local Area Fund pilot
Supporting documents: