Agenda item

Rear of 6 Church Road N6

Erection of a single storey three bedroom dwelling and removal of a Red Horse Chestnut Tree that is subject to a Tree Preservation Order. RECOMMENDATION: Grant permission subject to conditions.



Officers presented the report highlighting the issues regarding this application.  It was considered that there would be little impact on the open nature of the site or views of the site from the outside.  The scheme has a density of 62hrh, given the number of mature trees on the site, this density was considered to be appropriate in this backland location.  Conditions would be imposed to include details of the site compound.


The Committee heard representations from objectors who stated there were serious omissions in the report for this backland development.  The property development impacted on the amenity of neighbours and was completely out of character with the surrounding conservation area.  The gardens on Talbot Road are short and slope upwards.  The access road was already used by a significant number of vehicles and therefore not safe.


Cllr Williams addressed the Committee and raised concerns regarding the three trees on the site which were of historical import and subject to Tree Preservation Orders.  He requested the Committee to add a condition to protect the trees during construction works.  He also raised concern regarding the access of utility services to reach the site. 


The applicant addressed the Committee by giving a personal statement of her commitment to the conservation area and the site.  The trees on the site were important and there was no desire to damage them in any way.  There was also a commitment to comply with the conditions imposed. 


Members questioned whether it was possible for a vehicle to turn in the lane and were advised it was possible dependent upon the way other cars were parked.  The Committee also enquired whether the rear of a resident’s garden constituted a backland site.  Members were informed that it was not a true backland site.


The Chair moved a motion to agree the recommendation.  On a vote there being 6 for, 2 against and 1 abstention, the motion was carried.  The application was granted subject to conditions.





Location:  Rear of 6 Church Road N6


Proposal:  Erection of a single storey three bedroom dwelling and removal of a Red Horse Chestnut Tree that is subject to a Tree Preservation Order.


Recommendation: Grant subject to conditions.


Decision  An appeal for non determination has been received.   The Council is not able to make a decision once an appeal has been lodged but  would have approved the application subject to the conditions below if an appeal had not been lodged.


Drawing No.s 148/001 Rev B &  148/002B.




1.             The development hereby authorised must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission, failing which the permission  shall be of no effect.

                Reason: This condition is imposed by virtue of the provisions of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent the accumulation of  unimplemented planning permissions.


2.             The development hereby authorised shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order to ensure  the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details and in the interests of amenity.


3.             Samples of all materials to be used in conjunction with the proposed development for all the external surfaces of buildings hereby approved, areas of hard landscaping and boundary walls shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before any works commence on site. Samples should include sample panels or brick and wood types combined with a schedule of the exact product references.

                Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the exact materials to be used for the proposed development and to assess the suitability of the samples submitted in the interests of visual amenity.


4.             Notwithstanding the details contained in the application full details of the sedum roof covering shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, such covering as approved to be installed prior to occupation of the house and permanently maintained and retained thereafter.

                Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in order to protect the character of this historic garden


5.             Notwithstanding the details of landscaping referred to in the application, a scheme for the landscaping and treatment of the surroundings of the proposed development to include detailed drawings of those new trees and shrubs to be planted together with a schedule of species shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development.  Such an approved scheme of planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out and implemented in strict accordance with the approved details in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of development (whichever is sooner).  Any trees or plants, either existing or proposed, which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed, become damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with a similar size and species. The landscaping scheme, once implemented, is to be maintained and retained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to assess the acceptability of any landscaping scheme in relation to the site itself, thereby ensuring a satisfactory setting for the proposed development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.


6.             The existing trees on the site, not scheduled for removal in this application, shall not be lopped, felled or otherwise affected in any way (including raising and lowering soil levels under the crown spread of the trees) and no excavation shall be cut under the crown spread of the trees without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order to safeguard the trees in the interest of visual amenity of the area.


7.             The protective fencing works required in connection with the protection of the trees on the site shall be carried out only under the supervision of the Council's Arboriculturalist. Such works to be completed, prior to any building or demolition works commencing on site, to the satisfaction of the Arboriculturalist acting on behalf of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order to ensure appropriate protective measures are implemented to satisfactory standards prior to the commencement of works in order to safeguard the existing trees on the site.


8.             An engineering drawing of the foundation design of the dwelling with 1:50 cross section drawings showing existing and proposed ground levels shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, prior to any works commencing on site.

                Reason: In order to ensure appropriate protective measures are implemented to safeguard the Oak tree that is subject to a Tree Preservation Order.


9.             No materials, supplies, or plant machinery shall be stored or parked and no access shall be allowed within tree protection zones without the prior approval of the Council's Arboriculturalist acting on behalf of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: In order to safeguard the existing trees on the site.


10.           A method statement including, the chronology of events with regard to tree protection, the details of the method of demolishing the existing foundations on site, the location of the site compound and storage area, the location of the area where the mixing of materials will take place and details of service runs shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before any works commence on site, this method statement shall then be implemented as agreed. A pre-development commencement site meeting must take place with the Architect, the Local Authority Arboriculturist, the Planning Officer and all contractors present, to confirm the protective measures to be implemented.

                Reason: In order to safeguard existing trees on the site in the interests of visual amenity.


11.           Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Town & Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, no enlargement, improvement or other alteration of any of the dwellings hereby approved in the form of development falling within Classes A to H shall be carried out without the submission of a particular Planning application to the Local Planning Authority for its determination.

                Reason: To avoid overdevelopment of the site.


12.           The construction works of the development hereby granted shall not be carried out before 0800 or after 1800 hours Monday to Friday or before 0800 or after 1200 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

                Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers of their properties.


13.           Details of lighting for footpaths and any other external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to completion of the development hereby approved and such works shall be carried out as approved prior to the occupation of the building.

                Reason: To ensure that the development provides a safe and secure environment for users, to protect the amenities of neighbours and to protect the character of this historic garden.


14.           No boundary fencing is to be erected on site until precise details and plans have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to any works commencing on site. Such an approved scheme shall be carried out and implemented in strict accordance with the approved details.

                Reason: To protect the amenity of the area.


15.           The dwelling hereby approved is to have a maximum height of 3.6 metres.

                Reason: To protect the amenity of the area.

16.           The double garage herby approved is to be retained as such and shall not be converted to habitable living space without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority.

                Reason: To prevent overdevelopment of the site.


17.           An Arboriculturist must be retained to monitor works on site that may affect trees such as works within the Root Protection Area.

                Reason: To protect the trees on site.


18.           No fires are to be lit anywhere on site before, during, or after the construction process.

                Reason: To protect the trees on site.






(i)        The applicant is advised that in the interests of the security of the development hereby authorised that all works should comply with BS 8220 (1986), Part 1 - 'Security Of Residential Buildings'.


(ii)       The new development will require naming/numbering. The applicant should contact the Transportation Group at least six weeks before the development is occupied (tel. 020 8489 5573) to arrange for the allocation of a suitable address.




The proposal at Rear of 6 Church Road, N6 for the erection of a single storey three bedroom dwelling and removal of a Red Horse Chestnut Tree that is subject to a Tree Preservation Order complies with Policies HSG1 ‘New Housing Developments’; HSG9 ‘Density Standards’; HSG10 ‘Dwelling Mix’; UD1A ‘Sustainable Design and Construction’; UD2 ‘General Principles’; UD3 ‘Quality Design’; CSV1A ‘Development in Conservation Areas’; OS16 ‘Tree Protection, Tree Masses and Spines’; and M10 ‘Parking for Development’ within the Haringey Unitary Development Plan. It is therefore considered appropriate that Planning permission be granted.



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