Agenda item

Panel Project on Youth Transition - Findings Part Two, Conclusions and Recommendations

To consider the draft final report of the Panel’s project on Youth Transition and, in particular, its findings, conclusions and recommendations.


The Panel commented that the current issues in respect of Tottenham UTC had strengthened the need for the Council to take a lead in respect of the development of post 16 options.  The Director of Children’s Services commented that the Council was trying to provide leadership by looking at how it could broker relationships.  In particular, consideration was being given to developing collaboration  between the College of North East London, Haringey Sixth Form Centre and Highgate School.  In terms of the UTC, the model was flawed but was not one designed by the local authority.  If children were happy at their school, they were unlikely to want to change at the age of 14.  However, the UTC building could provide an opportunity to develop provision in Tottenham. 


He stated that it was important that the area was promoted in a positive way.  Mentors could play an important role in developing ambitions and expectations which, for some young people from Tottenham, could be low  The Post 16 offer had to be good and encourage ambition.  In terms of vocational options, these needed to fulfil the needs of employers.  There was also work to be done to ensure that more young people left school with GCSE English and Maths. 




1.    That a specific target be set for narrowing the gap in the percentage of young people entering the top or Russell Group universities between the borough’s two parliamentary constituencies;


2.    That a further report be submitted to the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel on progress with the development of post 16 provision within the borough in autumn 2016;


3.    That the Panel expresses its support to the proposals:

a.    to commission a detailed survey on the perceptions of young people on the options open to them; and

b.    to arrange a Haringey wide careers event, subject to this being suitably publicised and located in an accessible venue in order to ensure a good level of attendance.


4.    That work be undertaken to develop a means of monitoring the attainment of young people that is based on residence in the borough rather than attendance at in-borough post 16 provision;


5.    That further work be undertaken to develop effective monitoring of progress in respect of the take up and success rate of apprenticeships and that performance in respect of these be given a higher priority as a key Corporate Plan performance indicator;


6.    That a suitably ambitious target for the increase in the number of apprenticeships for 16-18 year olds by 2018 be set, with consideration given to this being to reach the same number of take-ups that was achieved in 2010-11.


7.    That the Council take a lead role in developing a strategic borough wide plan for young people to develop and pursue their career aspirations that focuses on improving the range of options and addresses the areas where demand for labour is high and training provision is limited locally.


8.    That measures be taken to provide greater challenge to schools on their performance in respect of the number of NEETs and not knowns originating from them where data shows performance falling below expectations.


9.    That the proposal to introduce a kite mark for good quality independent advice and guidance on careers be supported.


10. That, in respect of their role as corporate parents, specific guidance be provided for all Members on how independent careers advice should be provided for looked after children.



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