Agenda item

Business Items




The Board received a report which provided an update on several strands of joint working between Haringey Council and Haringey CCG and the other councils, CCGs and healthcare providers in North Central London. The report was introduced by the Chief Officer CCG and was included in the agenda pack at page 55. 


The Board noted that the government set out its further intention to focus on delivering joined up care during the Autumn Spending Review and also announced that the BCF would continue as a key programme in 2016/17. The Spending Review also set out an ambition that by 2020 health and social care would be integrated everywhere.


The Board also noted that NHS leaders were required to produce two separate but connected plans. A one-year operational plan for 2016/17, focused on individual organisations and a five-year sustainability and transformation plan (STP). The STP would be an umbrella plan, holding underneath it a number of different specific delivery plans and would involve local authorities, CCGs and providers agreeing the geographical footprint covered by the plan. From 2017/18 onwards, STPs will become the single planning process for being accepted onto programmes with transformational funding. Full STPs were due for submission at the end of June 2016.


Chief Officer Haringey CCG advised that the bid to develop a vanguard proposal in conjunction with Islington was unsuccessful but that the two councils and two CCGs had continued to explore joint working opportunities around transforming health and social care services. A clinical workshop was held on 29th January to consider place-based systems of care and a population segmentation approach to identifying health and care needs.


Chief Officer Haringey CCG also advised that the Better Care Fund Planning for 2016/17 was progressing well with positive discussions on budget planning and a review of appropriate services to be included within the BCF. The technical guidance had only just been released; it was anticipated that the current outcome measures would be maintained. A draft plan was submitted in early February to NHS England and feedback should be provided before the end of March. The final submission was due on 20th April and would require the Board to sign it off. The final plan was to be reviewed by the HACI Board prior to sign off. The Board noted that the BCF would be signed off by the Chair as an Urgent Action as the deadline for submission was prior to the next meeting.  Chief Officer Haringey CCG agreed to send round copies of the BCF submission to the Board.


Ms Grant raised concerns around the ongoing inclusion of patient groups in future given the increased joint working across boroughs. The Chief Officer Haringey CCG responded that so far engagement with voluntary and community organisations had been done through the individual projects within the BCF. The Chief Officer Haringey CCG acknowledged concerns around maintaining the voice of the patent and agreed that this would be considered going forward.


The Director of Public Health advised that this was the first time in NHS planning that local authorities were formally included in the process and that the Public Health teams across NCL were coordinating into the process from a local authority perspective. The Director of Public Health commented that this could provide further opportunities to embed other devolution workstreams including the Prevention Pilot.




I). To note the overall progress in partnership working in several areas.


II). To support the approach taken to closer working with partners in North Central London, as set out in Section 6.1 of the report.


III). To support the approach taken to closer working with partners in Islington, as set out in Section 6.2 of the report.


IV). To agree to Chair’s actions to approve the BCF submission for 2016/17, as set out in Section 6.3 of the report.





The Board considered a report setting out the proposed changes to the membership of the Board. The report proposed the appointment of the Bridge Renewal Trust Moracle Foundation to the Health and Wellbeing Board as the Council’s voluntary sector partner following Cabinet’s decision in December 2015 to appoint the Bridge Renewal Trust as the Council’s voluntary sector partner.





I). To appoint the  Bridge Renewal Trust Moracle Foundation to the HWB, to replace HAVCO as the non-voting member previously designated as fulfilling a developmental role on the Board in building partnerships across the public and voluntary sectors. This is in line with section 194 (8) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. 


II). To recommend the change in membership to the Full Council meeting on the 17th March following which the Terms of reference of the HWBB can be amended to reflect the change in membership.


III). To put forward an amendment to the Council Constitution, Part three, section B paragraph 8.4, bullet  point 10,  replacing HAVCO with the Bridge Renewal  Trust Moracle Foundation.


IV). To undertake a wider review of Board membership to ensure the right representation to provide system leadership for Haringey and its residents.


V). That a paper setting out any proposed changes arising from the review be brought to the June meeting of the Board for approval.  Following this, the revised membership will go forward to Full Council in July for approval.


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