Agenda item

Crime Performance Statistics

To consider an update on crime performance statistics in respect of the MOPAC priority areas and emerging issues.


The Panel received a presentation regarding the latest crime statistics.  It was noted that burglary levels were down but it was hoped that significant further reductions would be achieved with the introduction of MetTrace traceable liquid.  There was a dedicated team rolling this out in Haringey.


In addition to violence with injury and robbery, there were also issues with confidence levels and the re-emergence of knife enabled crime.    Confidence was now a priority issue in 7 different wards within Haringey.  The presence of Police officers on the street and where they could be seen would make a difference to this.  However, there had been an overall reduction in MOPAC 7 crimes of 20.1%


Mr Trevers reported that there was a Haringey wide plan for the Police to address the issue of confidence and the target was to achieve a borough wide figure of 70%.  It was agreed that he would report on plans to address this issue to a future meeting of the Panel.  Communication of successful action to residents was one way in which confidence levels could be increased as they were currently not always aware that particular crimes had been cleared up. 


In respect of violence with injury, Mr Trevers reported that there had been an overall increase of 40% in it last year.  However, the MOPAC had earlier accepted that much of this was due to an increased efficiency in reporting of violent crime following a report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate.  The result of this was that incidents had been being recorded where previously they would not have been.  The figures were now levelling out.  The actual incidence of violence with injury had not changed markedly though. 


On terms of theft from the person, these figures could be inflated by events at Alexandra Palace and Finsbury Park where the loss of mobile phones often occurred.  These were recorded as stolen if this was alleged by individuals and the Police were obliged to record it as such.


Councillor Elliott raised the issue of the increase in burglaries in the Crouch End area.  Mr Trevers felt that it was likely that it had been caused by displacement from the Ladder area, where MetTrace had been promoted.  In addition, burglars often returned to premises which they have already burgled. 


It was noted that there had been an increase in knife enabled crime.  This category referred to any sharp instrument.  There had been 25 victims in an 18 week period.   None of the injuries had been life changing in nature.  There had been massive reductions in some other forms of crime, such as theft from a motor vehicle but Panel Members felt that it would be preferable if these reductions had been for knife crime.  The issues that residents were most concerned about were robbery and violent crimes.  Whilst the reduction in theft from a motor vehicle was welcome, much of this was due to cars now being more difficult to break into.


Reference was made to a number of violent incidents that had taken place in parks recently.  Mr Trevers reported that there was a higher risk of crime anywhere groups of people gathered.  Plain clothes officers regularly patrolled parks.  Tasking was based on available data and officers could be deployed in parks in response to any increase in offences. 


Panel Members also raised the issue of diversionary activities, which could play a useful role in engaging with groups of young people.  Mr Trevers reported that the Police were trying to bring diversionary activities together and were hoping to go live with a specific programme in January. 




That the Police Service be requested to report to a future meeting of the Panel on their plans to improve confidence levels amongst residents within the borough.

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