Agenda item


To report on work undertaken to develop improved links between licensees within the borough and community safety and regulatory agencies.



Daliah Barrett, Lead Officer – Licensing, reported on joint action by the Council and the Police to improve engagement with licensees and, in particular, address problems associated with the sale of high strength lager, which could be a factor in violent incidents.  Efforts had been undertaken to promote engagement on-line but this approach had not proven to be successful.  Attempts had therefore been taken to encourage them to attend meetings.  The initial meeting in Tottenham had not attracted representation from any off licenses.  A number of licensees nevertheless attended, including several from premises that had been involved in Pubwatch.   The meeting had been useful as it had provided an opportunity for the licensees to air their concerns.  A slightly different and more proactive approach had been undertaken for the meeting in Wood Green and this had produced slightly better results with improved attendance and representation from some local off licences.  Of particular significance was the fact that one off licence had said that they would consider no longer stocking high strength lager once their current stock was exhausted. 


Licensees had been made aware that they were being monitored.  This was undertaken through regular visits and test purchasing.  A licensing forum had been set up on-line for them to share information and guidance.  Pubwatch was also being revived in Tottenham and elsewhere within the borough. 


Members of the Panel suggested that local Pubwatch representatives could be linked into Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panels. Officers agreed to investigate if this was feasible.  Councillor Barbara Blake asked for further information regarding the area covered by the Wood Green Pubwatch and it was agreed that details would be sent to her.


It was noted that it was not possible to require attendance by licensees at Pubwatch meetings and a number were not involved in it.  However, there was a lot of communication with licensees.  New licensees were given two days of training including reference to responsible trading and they should therefore be aware of expectations.  Appointments were also made with all new applicants to go through their responsibilities should they be successful.


Acting Detective Superintendent Paul Trevers felt that the Safer Communities Partnership could consider improving the sharing of information regarding anti social behaviour.  Sharing such data with licensees as this could help them be better informed about local issues and encourage them to respond accordingly should any instances be linked to their business.


Panel Members suggested that a video could be used to communicate with licensees. In addition, they felt that the Licensees Forum should obtain feedback from licensees on what they felt would be the most effective means of communication with them.  They also felt that the Forum should consider how best to address the training needs of new staff in off licenses.




1.    That officers give further consideration to the comments and suggestions of the Panel, as outlined above;


2.    That information regarding the area covered by Wood Green Pubwatch be shared with Councillor Barbara Blake; and


3.    That a report on progress be made to the Panel in due course.



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