Agenda item


To receive and note the report of the Chief Executive of Alexandra Park and Palace, Mr Duncan Wilson, updating on developments in the last quarter and forthcoming business and events including:


·         HLF Project – overall update

·         Events Report

·         Learning and Community Report

·         Sponsorship and Fundraising update

·         Recruitment update – Senior Executive Team



RECEIVED the report on developments in the last quarter and forthcoming business and events in the next three months, introduced by Duncan Wilson (Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace) (pages 31-36 of the agenda pack).


Heritage Lottery Fund


NOTED that


·         in relation to paragraph 6.2 – Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) update:

o   the next stages would be to procure the main works package in two parts.  The Enabling Works would include: asbestos removal from the Television Studios,  assessment of repairs required to the Theatre ceiling and paintwork conservation trials;

o   The Main Works package (beginning  at the start of 2016) would be conducted in all areas at the same time with the challenge of the ice-rink remaining open and possible closure of the east court entrance for some time;

o   The main contract was expected to be completed between the end of 2017 and Easter 2018;

·         in response to questioning: the HLF funding would be released in tranches and would be tightly controlled against invoices for purchases approved in the project plan;

·         the Committee congratulated Duncan Wilson on the success of the HLF bid and acknowledged the good work of the team at Alexandra Palace.


Events List


NOTED further to discussion:


·         concerns raised about the outdoor cinema event scheduled for Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd August 2015 as the south slope was a popular area and would be fenced-off to other park users.  In response Mr Wilson explained that the event would use part of the south slope and had to be fenced-off due to it being a ticketed event.  Assurances were given that disruption to Park users would be minimised as far as practicable. 


Emma Dagnes agreed that the Friends of Alexandra Park would be consulted about the arrangements;

Action: Emma Dagnes

·         the Palace did not have the resources to hold a large number of in-house events such as the April Bier Festival but numbers of events were improving each year. An event would be held on 25 July 2015 to celebrate 25 years of the ice-rink being open.


Learning and Community


Isobel Aptaker, Learning Officer, Alexandra Palace gave an update on the Learning and Community Report including:

·         the War on the Home Front exhibition had reached 2,500 visitors and  the new target was to achieve a total of 3,000 visitors by the end of the exhibition in September 2015;

·         Alexandra Palace had been successful in an application to the Mayors Music Fund to host a concert on 19th September 2015 by the Haringey Youth Orchestra with support from members of the BBC Concert Orchestra.  Capacity for the event would be 499 including the orchestra’s 90 musicians and a project brief would be established including sound tests for whether the stage could be used;

·         Park learning material was being developed and further work was being done with Heartlands High School to pilot for Year’s 8 & 9 (12 – 14 year olds).


Sponsorship and Fundraising


REPORTED that a number of different fundraising approaches would be used to reach the £1m fundraising target, including a public campaign.  Further information would be reported to the Joint Committee in due course.

Action: Interim Chief Executive


Interim Chief Executive of Alexandra Palace


REPORTED that Duncan Wilson’s final day will be 1st May 2015 and Emma Dagnes (previously Commercial and Development Director, Alexandra Palace) had been appointed as Interim Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace, while a recruitment campaign for a permanent candidate took place. 


In response to questions it was explained that the recruitment of a new Chief Executive would be a collective decision between the Board and the Council, although the contract of employment would be between Haringey Council and the candidate.


Board Membership for the new municipal year


Further to enquiries it was explained that the Members of the Alexandra Palace and Park Charitable Trust Board would be appointed by the Labour Group at its Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The Chair and Vice Chair would be elected and the remaining membership would be decided based on expressions of interest by the new members.


Councillor Mann was currently Haringey’s Deputy Mayor and was likely to be elected as 2015/2016 Mayor, and would therefore be unable to sit on the Board.


NOTED that members of the Joint Committee expressed concern about the loss of continuity with Duncan Wilson leaving and new members joining the Board.


AGREED to note


a.         the success of the Trust’s Heritage Lottery Fund grant application;


b.         the summer events programme;


c.         a very full programme of learning and community activities;


d.         the recruitment of Tot Brill as Interim Director of Regeneration; and


e.         the appointment of Emma Dagnes as Interim Chief Executive, Alexandra Palace.

Supporting documents: