Agenda item

Preventing violent extremism


Received an introduction to the Preventing Violent Extremism report (pages 25-34 of the agenda pack) from Leon Joseph (Community Safety Prevent Lead). 



a.         Haringey had been a Prevent priority authority since 2007.

           Since recent incidents, particularly the murder of Lee Rigby, the government had sought to put Prevent on a statutory footing.

b.         Section 21 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

            places a duty on local authorities; higher and further          

           education institutes; schools; health sector; prisons; probation 

           and the police , listed in Schedule 3 to the Act, to have  due

           regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into  


c.         The latest Home Office advice re the timetable for implementation              is that the guidance would be agreed by both Houses of Parliament in     the following month and the duty would come into force in the summer

d.         The key themes identified for the local authority were:

·         Partnership – Community Safety Partnerships lead on agreeing risk and coordinating Prevent activity.

·         Risk Assessment – All agencies to produce risk assessments. This will inform the Partnership Prevent Delivery Plan.

·         Staff training – All relevant agencies to ensure that staff have a good understanding of Prevent and can identify vulnerabilities.

·         Monitoring and enforcement – Greater scrutiny/ Intervention. 

e.         Staff training was identified as a critical area. Over 400 staff had already undertaken WRAP training.




  1. That the need to identify a new Chair for HPDG (AD level) who is able to make appropriate level decisions be noted.  
  2. That a review of current arrangements for reporting Prevent to the CSP be noted.
  3. That the development of a local Prevent delivery plan to take into account local, regional and national developments continue. The Members of delivery group will be expected to update delivery group on progress of mitigating risk within their sector specific area
  4. Ensuring that actions taken to mitigate identified risks by partner agencies be captured in the annual Prevent delivery plan and be subject to scrutiny by local Prevent Delivery Group & CSP.
  5. That WRAP training for staff in the borough be continued to ensure that services include it as a priority in their workforce development.
  6. That work with LA Workforce Development Service to embed WRAP training in Learning Zone Training Programme and Online E-Safety module be noted.  
  7. That a mapping exercise to be undertaken to identify training gaps in agencies who are now subject to the duty be noted. 
  8. That the identification of a named individual from each of the agencies as core to Channel who will attend six weekly Channel Panels be noted.
  9. That consideration to the development of a comprehensive ‘halls and venues’ policy or a guide that incorporates a framework for preventing extremist groups from booking local authority or partner agency venues be noted.

    x.        That the review of publicly accessible resources and IT equipment be the local authority and partner agencies, to ensure that they meet E-safety and safeguarding policies and comply with new duty be noted.

   xi.        That the mapping of all existing commissioned ‘out-of-schools’ provision by both local authority and partners be noted.

  xii.        That all future local authority contracts be compliant with the duty.                                             

xiii.        That consideration by the local authority as to how it intends to meet the duty of making itself aware of all 'out of hours’ settings and ensuring their compliance with safeguarding and the Prevent duties be noted.

xiv.        That the Prevent Lead to work with AD Schools & Learning Service to deliver comprehensive Prevent/British Values programme for all Haringey Schools/ Sixth Form/UTC be noted.

  1. That dialogue with OSCT and regional HE/FE coordinators to ensure regional strategy covers student Halls of Residence and, where necessary, to assist in their role in Haringey be continued.

xvi.        That the mapping of providers of FE in the borough alongside HE/FE coordinator WRAP coordinators, to identify capacity to meet duty and to support HE/FE regional coordinator in delivery of annual WRAP training programme for FE sector in Haringey, be noted.

xvii.        That liaison with colleagues in the Health sector profession to support capacity building amongst   local healthcare professionals be noted.

xviii.        That officers make contact with MAPPA lead to understand relationship with Prevent.

xix.        That liaison with CRC around any necessary training for WRAP and support to any offenders who are vulnerable to extremism be noted.

  xx.        That liaison with any relevant secure estate to understand risk to extremism and ensure that vulnerable offenders are not subject to radicalisation in custody and to discuss protocol for managing transition from custody to the community be noted.                                                                                                                                                                                  

xxi.        That the need to ensure continued dialogue between local authority Prevent Lead and PEO to avoid duplication of community focussed initiatives be noted.                                                   

xxii.        That the need to ensure clear representation by local Police with appropriate level of seniority on Prevent delivery group and on Channel Panel be noted 


The Board agreed for the Prevent Lead to use the above

recommendations to draft a delivery plan and bring back to future meeting of the Board for approval.


The Board agreed to send out a letter from the joint Chairs to the key

partners agencies as specified in the Prevent Duty, regarding

investing representation at the appropriate level.


Supporting documents: