Agenda item


To identify any issues raised during the Area Forum.


a.         Neighbourhood Action Team (NAT)


Noted that residents could contact Michael Sanderson in the Neighbourhood Action Team about issues such as: waste, littering, fly tipping, street scene and highways.


b.         Veolia


Agreed that Veolia representatives would attend the next Area Forum on 5 March 2014 to answer questions, including: the use of leaf blowers and waste left on pavements and roads after collection.

Action: Clerk/ Veolia


c          Trees Policy


            Noted that


i.              Some residents expressed concerns about the removal of trees and that reports containing reasons for tree felling were classified as confidential. 


ii.            Residents were invited to contact Councillors Sahota and Gallagher to arrange meetings to discuss issues with specific trees in Stroud Green.

Action: Residents/ Cllrs Gallagher and Sahota


iii.           Trees and Nature Conservation Manager, Alex Fraser, was also contactable:


iv.           In response to questions it was confirmed that Council owned trees were exempt from consultation requirements and that the Council’s current budget proposals included funding to plant trees over the next two years.


d.         Planning Policy Consultation


Received the presentation introducing the following 4 planning policy documents, which would be open to consultation from 9 February 2015:

·         Strategic Policy (Local Plan)

·         Development Management Policies (replacing the Unitary Development Plan)

·         Site Allocations Development Planning Document

·         Tottenham Area Action Plan


Noted, in response to residents’ concerns, that: the documents would include restriction on house conversions in some areas; there were no proposals for land swap in Haringey and any loss of open space would be replaced.


In response to concerns about the effect planning and licensing had on small businesses residents were informed that they could contact Councillor Sahota directly.

Action: Residents/ Cllr Sahota

Post meeting update

Officers have confirmed that revised drawings would be received from the applicant.  Once received the Planning Department will be re-consulting and therefore the consultation period will be extended by 3 weeks from the date of re-consultation.  In addition, the Planning Department will accept objections up until the date of decision i.e. after the consultation period expires.


e.         Parish Pump


i.              Finsbury Park Trust


Residents were reminded of a conference on Saturday 21 February at Rowans Bowling Alley, Finsbury Park.


ii.         Connaught Lodge Planning Application


Noted that residents expressed concern that the closing date of the Connaught Lodge application was unclear as both 15 January and 26 January 2015 had been publicised.


Residents were assured that no recommendations (to approve or reject the application) had been made. Residents were invited to contact their local Councillors about this application and were encouraged to make formal deputations when the matter was considered by the Planning Committee (the date of which had not yet been determined).

Action: Residents & Stroud Green Ward Councillors


Agreed that Planning Officers would be requested to extend the closing date of the Connaught Lodge Planning Application and to clearly publicise the new date.

Action: Clerk


f.          Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Sustainability, Councillor Joe Goldberg


Received a presentation by Councillor Goldberg focussing on the 40:20 Programme to reduce carbon reduction by 40% by 2015. 


Noted, in response to questions, that


i.          proposals for fracking (the process of drilling down into the earth to release the gas inside) would not be tolerated by the Council.

ii.         hotspots for high energy usage were detected in the Borough and were mainly in the west of the Borough due to wealth and large properties.

iii.        Smart Homes grants were mainly intended for privately owned properties. Decent Homes funds were utilised to improve energy usage in social housing.

iv.        Whilst materials such as UPVC windows were not the most attractive or sustainable; when building homes the Council’s main concern was affordability.


Agreed that Councillor Goldberg would chase any applications for Smart Homes funding which had not been followed-up.

Action: Residents to contact Cllr Goldberg


g.         Budget Consultation


Councillor Arthur, Cabinet Member for Resources and Culture, gave a comprehensive introduction to the Council’s ‘Building a Stronger Haringey Together’ budget consultation.


Concerns were expressed by residents about the consultation period being over the festive holiday season and that a one year budget would be more appropriate due to the pending general election.  In response it was explained that, whilst consultation on the Building a Stronger Haringey Together documents ended on 18 January 2015, there would be further opportunities for consultation in specific areas of the budget.  A three-year budget provided clarity and transparency on future plans but annual budget reviews would take place.


In response to concerns that the Council spent large sums of money on employing consultants it was further explained that the use of consultants was monitored to ensure added value.


Residents were invited to submit any questions/ concerns via the Council’s online consultation or via their Ward Councillors and or the Clerk.

Supporting documents: