Agenda item

Performance exception report


Received the CSP Performance Report and Powerpoint Presentation (pages 5-32 of the agenda pack), introduced by Claire Kowalska, Community Safety Strategic Manager.



a.         The key improvements detailed within the report and presentation document.

b.         Community Safety Senior Policy Officer, Otis Willliams, was thanked for his work in establishing the Community Trigger project. There had been no triggers so far in Haringey.   

c.         There would be increasing pressures on resources over the coming few years. 

d.         Operation Equinox was a focus in the key areas, including high visibility police presence and partners being encouraged to share information about people of concern.  In response to a question about maintaining the level of high visibility police presence it was explained that the MPS (Metropolitan Police Service) should have a full compliment of staff in January, when Operation Equinox ended.

e.         Residential burglary had increased and community safety activities were scheduled around seasonal breaks due to the trend of increased residential burglaries during these times.

f.          In response to a question it was explained that there had been some displacement of crimes from high visibility policed areas. 

g.                     A focus on the top 5 known offenders was thought to be responsible for the improved performance around ‘Theft from motor vehicles’ and offenders had been actively targeted for enforcement and intervention.

h.       Other key concerns included an 84% increase in Racial/religious aggravated offences.  London and MSG had recorded increases of 25%  and 28% respectively for the same period.

i.          Generally:

·         Partnership working had improved.

·         Organised drug related crimes had increased.

·         The Police were focusing on early evidence and proactive secondary investigations to reduce the need for reinvestigations.

·         Performance figures for September-December 2014 would be circulated after 28 January 2014.

 Action: Claire Kowalska

j.          In response to questions:

·         Confidence in the Police was being improved with a higher Police presence and increased communication.

·         It was important to continue the work on Violence Against Women when allocated funding ceased and weekly task meetings would enable resources to be moved around where required.

·         A joint partnership meeting had taken place on 6 December to engage with young people.

·         There were concerns that contracts were ending and important services would be lost and the CSP was assured that the issue would be discussed at the Executive meeting.




i.          That a partnership Task and Finish group be established to look at current and foreseeable drug-related issues reporting back to the CSP in Q4.


ii.         That a celebratory event for the Integrated Offender Management (IOM) – one year on – be held.


iii.        That the formal process for the approval of a local long-term Gangs and Youth Violence strategy be agreed.


iv.        That partnership funds, which were due to expire, be addressed as a priority by the Executive Group.


v.         That timely partnership planning of operations at joint tasking (e.g. Summer Nights, Equinox/SOS and Op Shine) be approved.


vi.        That key partners and service leads hold a dedicated session on VAWG funding changes – Q4 be agreed.


vii.       That the development of a community engagement approach within CS and corporately to improve focus and avoid duplication be agreed.

Supporting documents: