Agenda item


An opportunity for the Committee to question the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Sustainability on his portfolio:


-       Tackling unemployment and worklessness

-       Adult learning and skills

-       Financial inclusion

-       Social inclusion

-       Post 16 education

-       Increased job opportunities


Received the briefing on the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Sustainability portfolio, a copy of which is included in the agenda pack, introduced by the Cabinet Member, Cllr Joe Goldberg.


Cllr Goldberg highlighted the low economic growth and low job density, the lack of opportunities for young people in Haringey and the need to build on skills.  A pathway to employment  study was being conducted as well as encouraging more apprenticeships in the Borough.




a.            In response to questioning on how apprenticeships would be secured it was explained that Haringey did not have many major employers to partner with and so the focus would be on working closely with schools, local construction businesses and investments such as the Haringey fashion academy. Work would start at primary schools to promoting Science and Maths and high technology careers to ensure young people obtain the skills to fill the Borough’s regeneration framework and promote the rare skills in the labour market.  Cllr Connor highlighted that city law firms were visiting schools in London to encourage the profession and some city businesses were also seeking to provide apprenticeships in Haringey and Cllr Goldberg invited Cllr Connor to provide him with any contact details of firms wishing to employ in the Borough.

Action: Cllr Conner


In response to comments raised about the need for investment in post-16 education opportunities in the Borough: Local Authorities were no longer directly responsible for post-16 education (except in community schools) but should rather challenge partners to ensure they had the right courses on offer and attract organisations to Haringey.


b.         Cllr Goldberg agreed with concerns that women in Haringey did not always have equal opportunities to men, specifically in the IT and Gaming industry.  There was interest from companies wanting to find talent in the Borough and the Council had been approached by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) about running some pilot schemes at the Hornsey School for girls.


c.         Cllr Hearne highlighted that the Children’s Scrutiny Panel was looking at the opportunities for young people coming out of School.  Cllr Goldberg expressed concerns about the scarcity of A-Level options for young people in Tottenham but recognised that approximately 50% of young people travelled outside of Haringey for further education. The challenge was to provide high quality education at the Sixth Form Centre and CONEL, and to provide courses for skills that employers require.  Conversations were being held with other educational establishments to increase choices and bring talent to Haringey, namely Birkbeck College opening a campus in Tottenham and the strategic partnership with Durham University which was assisting with access to higher education in Haringey.   The Council was also working with Google to promote opportunities and stem subjects for girls and brokerage companies working with 15 schools.  


d.         Cllr Blake congratulated Cllr Goldberg and Officers on the work done so far on improving employment opportunities and emphasised the need for feedback from local businesses and that jobs coming into the Borough should be decent and permanent jobs.  Cllr Blake questioned whether Haringey employers were advertising their jobs outside of Haringey.  Cllr Goldberg highlighted that job density was declining everywhere, partly due to the permitted development of office space into housing.  He expressed that economic change would not happen unless decent jobs were created in Haringey.


e.         In response to the above question about the Job Centre Plus (JCP) it was reported that JCP focused on the quantity of people coming in and not quality career prospects therefore advertising in the JCP should not be used as a measure for whether jobs were being advertised in the Borough.  In response to a suggestion that Haringey jobs be reserved for Haringey residents it was reported that this was not legal and would not encourage the best people to work for the Council and it would be more important to encourage local people to compete for and promote opportunities for local people.


Cllr Goldberg agreed with the need to develop links with local businesses and highlighted that the Council was working with local businesses to create jobs and provide the right people to employ. Cllr Goldberg had also met with the Federation of Small Businesses the previous week.  He highlighted the lack of Chambers of Commerce in the Borough to grow the local economy.  Cllr Goldberg was enthusiastic about some new employers coming into the Borough including:

·         Beavertown brewery and other craft  brewers seeking to move to Tottenham;

·         Craving Coffee who paid a London living wage and was keen to  train people in different skills.


Clerks note: The Chair withdrew from the meeting at 19:28; Vice-Chair Cllr Connor took the Chair.  Cllr Bull returned at 19:30 and resumed as Chair.


 f.         Further to a Members’ comments it was highlighted that:

·         Preferring local suppliers was not permitted under EE legislation and was not a realistic option to resolve employment issues.

·         Whilst there was no hospital in the Borough, Haringey had more public sector reliance than many London Boroughs but there would be less risk from decline in growth with a balance of both private and public sector, there was a clear absence of private sector employers.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member and Officers for attending.

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