Agenda item

Health and Care Integration


The Board considered a report, previously circulated, which set out proposals with regard to the establishment of a Health Care Integration Programme in order to enable the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to jointly achieve better outcomes for local residents, improve the user experience and to deliver efficiencies and value for money.


There were five appendices included within the report, as set out below and these were considered in turn:


Appendix 1 – Healthcare Integration Programme (presentation)

Appendix 2 – Value Based Commissioning for Older People with Frailty

Appendix 3 – Mental Health Framework

Appendix 4 – Better Care Fund Re-Submission

Appendix 5 – Scrutiny Review and Response Report


Healthcare Integration Programme (presentation)

The Board received a presentation setting out the vision and scope of the Integrated Care Programme and the Board then discussed this. In response to a question the Board was advised that one of the principles that underpinned the work around the programme had been to focus on building and developing existing structures and relationships rather than using time and resources to create a new set of structures.


There was agreement that the proposals formed a good example of multi-agency working and that in order to support the work and ensure that it was properly embedded training across the various organisations would be needed. 


Value Based Commissioning for Older People with Frailty

The Board considered a report that provided an update on progress in developing an outline business case for Value Based Commissioning (VBC). The Board was advised that VBC was an important part of delivering integrated care and that Haringey was leading in the development of work in this area.




That the proposals set out in the report be noted.


Mental Health Framework

The Board was advised that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework (MHWF) was being devised in order to bring together all of the existing strategies and to set out a clear vision for improving the mental health and wellbeing of Haringey’s residents from early years throughout adulthood and into older age.




That the Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework scoping document be noted and that approval be given to the process for developing the MHWF outlined in the report.


Better Care Fund Re-Submission

The Board considered a report seeking endorsement of the revised Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan, which was submitted on 19 September, as the agreed vision for improving the health, wellbeing and the independence of Haringey’s residents, through the delivery of integrated health and social care services. It was also noted that the Lead of the Council would formally note the revised BCF Plan on 3 November.




  1. That the revised BCF Plan, submitted on 19 September 2014, be endorsed as the agreed vision to improve health, wellbeing and the independence of Haringey’s residents, through the delivery of integrated health and social care services.


  1. That it be noted that revisions made to the Plan, as required by NHS England, were set out in Appendix 3 of the report. 


Scrutiny Review and Response Report

The Board received a report setting out the proposed responses to recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Panels on Mental and Physical Health and Mental Health and Accommodation.




  1. That the responses to the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s, as set out in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report, be noted.


  1. That it be noted that the report and Appendices 1 and 2 would be presented to Cabinet on 14 October 2014 and that any proposals for change would be taken to Cabinet at a future date as necessary for adoption and agreement, after further work to identify resources, costs and risks.


Following discussion of the five Appendices to the report the Board agreed the recommendations set out in the substantive report:




  1. That the proposal for the Health and Care Integration Programme, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted;

  2. That it be noted that some of the existing integration initiatives would be incorporated into the Programme – updates for key integration initiatives currently in progress were set out in Appendices 2 to 6 of the report;


  1. That it be agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board would provide strategic oversight of the programme, although key decisions would be made through the Council or CCGs respective decision making structure; and

  2. That it be agreed that a follow up report would be submitted to the next meeting, which would also include a proposals around how the Health and Wellbeing Board would be involved in this Programme.


Supporting documents: