Agenda item

To receive reports from the following bodies

a)    Corporate Committee Report Nos 3  – 2014/15

b)    Health and Wellbeing Board Report No 1 – 2014/15


A. Corporate Committee – Report Nos. 03/2014 -15


     Councillor Meehan MOVED the recommendation contained in Corporate Committee Report Nos. 03/2014 -15.





That the Corporate Committee – Report Nos. 03 /2014 -15 be received in respect of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) for 2015/16, and that the recommendation concerning the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2015/16 to 2017/18 (at Appendix 4 of the Financial Planning report to Council) be approved.


(N.B. Cabinet concur with this recommendation. The version of the TMSS at Appendix 6 of the Medium Term Financial Planning report (item 12 on the agenda refers) incorporates the updated version.)


B. Health & Well Being Board  – Report Nos. 01/2014 -15


     Councillor Kober  MOVED the recommendation contained in Health & Well Being Board  Report Nos. 01/2014 -15.




i.              That the appointment of the Chair of the Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board as a non-voting member of the Health & Well Being Board, be noted ;


ii.            That the proposed voting rights of the Lay Board Member of the Clinical Commissioning Group to a voting member on the Health & Well Being Board be agreed ; and 


iii.           That it be noted that Health & Well Being Board had accepted consideration of the report at its meeting on 13 January 2015 as the required consultation by Full Council for the purpose of altering the voting rights of the Board member. 


C. Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee  – Report Nos. 01/2014 -15


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee presented the report of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 20 February 2015. Following a speech to the Council meeting, the Chair concluded that scrutiny had fulfilled its constitutional responsibilities to the best of its abilities, that previous scrutiny recommendations had been taken into consideration by the Cabinet, the substantive business of the evening’s meeting related to matters considered by the call-in and finally the overall riding important principle that this Council set a prudent, responsible, costed, balanced budget, he recommend that Council accepted recommendation 5a as outlined in the report.


The Cabinet Member for Resources and Culture responded to the comments of the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee. 


The Mayor then asked theChief Whip to move the relevant motion.


The Chief Whip MOVED that no further action be taken, in respect of the referred recommendations of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 20 February 2015.


In accordance with Part Four Section A point 17.4 Councillors Elliott, Engert, Beacham, Connor, Newton, Morris, Ross and Carter stood and requested a named vote.


The Chief Executive read the names of those Councillors present and the following names were recorded for, against, or abstaining in respect of the put MOTION:


There were 42  in favour of the MOTION (Councillors  Adje, Ahmet, Akwasi-Ayisi, Amin, Arthur, Basu, Berryman, Bevan, B Blake, M Blake, G Bull, Carroll, Christophides, Demirci, Doron, Gallagher, Goldberg, Griffith, Gunes, Hearn, Ibrahim, Jogee, Kober, Mallett, Mann, McNamara, McShane, Meehan, Morton, Ozbek, Patterson, Peacock, Reith, Rice, Ryan, Sahota, Stennett, Strickland, Vanier, Waters, Weston, and Wright.)


There were 9 against the MOTION (Councillors Beacham, Carter, Connor, Elliott, Engert, Hare, Morris, Newton, and Ross.)


There were no abstentions.


      There being 42 for the MOTION, 9 against and no abstentions,  the  Mayor declared   that the MOTION was carried.




That no further action be taken in respect of the referred recommendations of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 20 February 2015.


Supporting documents: