Agenda item

HERITAGE LOTTERY FUNDED LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATE (Report of the development manger) To update on progress made towards the programme of works for this year's project items.


The Committee received a succinct update on the project from the Parks Development Manager – Mr Baker.


The Chair asked if there were any comments and questions in relation to its contents.


Ms Feeney referred to the concerns expressed at the recent statutory Advisory Committee in respect of pedestrian safety in the park, as well as the recent road narrowing scheme and access for persons in wheelchairs/ people with hearing difficulties and the pedestrian access at  Bedford Road.  Ms Feeney also sought clarification as to siting of the bus stops near to the garden centre and the fact that cars did not seem to stop at this crossing point, and the health and safety risks arising therefrom.


In response Mr Baker advised that the speed table located at Bedford Road was designed to stem traffic a safe distance from the crossing point. The crossing was raised and cobbled and the road would have anti skid surfaces.  In response comments in respect of inadequate signage Mr Baker advised that signs would be clear and visible to motor vehicles etc of the crossing.


Mr Hutchinson asked that it would be useful for the Committee to receive an overall update now that the project was nearing completion, of the exact work carried out, together with a clear picture of how the Park would be managed by the Board after the Palace transferred over to the Firoka Group, and the interaction between the Board and this Committee.  Mr Holder responded that an item would be brought to the next meeting of the Committee on 5 September 2006.


Prof. Hudson referred to the need for improved/upgraded signage within the Park in terms of litter, security, access etc and the need to state clearly ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ for users of the Park.  Mr Baker commented that there were maps that currently listed by-laws, indicated dog fouling bins etc.  Councillor Peacock shared the views expressed in respect of better signage.  She also complimented Mr Baker in respect of the rose garden which was a credit to the park.


Ms Hayter referred to the entrance area to the Grove and that since the recent cutting back dog fouling had seemed to occur with considerable frequency and that this area did need some signage as a result.  There was also some need for dog litter bins to be updated as the existing ones were inadequate.  Mr Baker responded that new waste bins had been on order which would serve their purpose more than adequately.  He would ensure better signage in the area mentioned.


The Chair commented and summarised that it was positive to see that officers were responding to and working with the community to ensure improvements, and that the efforts of Mr Baker and his team should be applauded.




i.          that the contents of the report and the comments expressed during discussions be noted;


ii.         that a report be  brought to the meeting of the Consultative Committee on 5 September 2006 detailing an overall update of the HLF project now it was reaching its conclusion detailing a breakdown of the project since its inception; and


iii.        that a report be brought to the meeting of the Consultative Committee on 5 September 2006 detailing, a clear indication of how the Park would be managed the Board after the Palace transferred over to the Firoka Group, and the interaction between the Board and this Committee.   


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